The Pentacon Six System
Where did these specialist cameras and lenses come from?
"Joint ventures" The aftermath of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the communist centrally-driven economies of East Europe was for some people a very exciting time, with opportunities and possibilities that most of them had never seen before, or – in most cases – even dreamt of. The buzz phrase was “joint ventures”. The idea was that by combining the technical skills and the manufacturing base of the until-recently communist countries with the entrepreneurial skills of westerners, who were assumed all to be experienced in meeting the needs of demand-driven capitalist countries, the real potential of the workers and thinkers of the communist countries could at last be realised. At the same time, money could be made. Perceptions and
Myths |
Arsenal (Kiev) Medium Format
Cameras: The Book |
In 2005 Richard Wiese and Gerd
Nalaimischkis published "Das Kiev Mittelformathandbuch"
("The Kiev Medium Format Handbook"), which had been
written by Lothar A Braas. In an appendix written by
Wiese and Nalaimischkis, this book states (p. 132, German
original, then my translation into English): “Die Firmen WIESE FOTOTECHNIK, Hamburg, und HARTBLEI in Kiew arbeiten seit 1997 sehr eng zusammen. Richard Wiese und Sergei Naumenko haben in den fast zehn Jahren Spezial-Objektive und viele Verbesserungen für Kiev-Kameras entwickelt und produziert. Basis aller Entwicklungen sind die Bedürfnisse der Profis und engagierten KIEV-Fotografen. “Seit Jahren sind HARTBLEI und WIESE Spezialisten auf dem Gebiet der Mittelformat-Objektive (SHIFT und SHIFT-TILT-Objektive 45 und 65mm ...).” “The companies WIESE FOTOTECHNIK, Hamburg, and HARTBLEI in Kiev have worked closely together since 1997. For nearly ten years Richard Wiese and Sergei Naumenko have developed and produced special lenses and many improvements for Kiev cameras. The basis of all developments is the needs of professional photographers and committed KIEV photographers. “HARTBLEI and WIESE have for years been specialists in the area of Medium Format Lenses (45mm and 65mm SHIFT and SHIFT-TILT lenses ...).” The authors go on to state: “Alle von ARSENAL gelieferte Kameras werden von HARTBLEI und WIESE zerlegt, durchgecheckt, gegebenfalls Teile ausgetauscht und neu mit sehr geringen Toleranzen aufwendig in Handarbeit aufgebaut.” “All cameras delivered from ARSENAL are stripped down by HARTBLEI and WIESE, checked through, where necessary, parts are replaced, and then within very strict tolerances the cameras are rebuilt laboriously by hand.” You can see a further report on how helpful Richard Wiese was on a particular occasion here. |
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At the time of writing in January 2016, this book is still shown on the Wiese website, here: |
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Six) click here.
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© TRA January 2016 Revised February 2016