by TRA Straps for the
Pentacon Six
The Original
GDR alternative strap for camera body
Why the Exakta 66 cradle and strap are not suitable An excellent strap and cradle were manufactured for the Exakta 66. This is illustrated here. However, this is not suitable for the Pentacon Six for two reasons:
Op/Tech USA offers a wide range of camera straps. These are connected to the camera via what Op/Tech USA call “System Connectors”, which are detachable from the main strap.
The “System Connectors” can be used to create a short strap that can be very practical to give increased protection from accidents, by slipping the right-hand wrist through the strap when using the camera. They can of course be clipped onto any standard Op/Tech USA strap. For the types of straps available, it is best to visit their website, The Op/Tech Dual Harness The System Connectors can also be attached to the Op/Tech Dual Harness
You can see a picture of the Op/Tech USA Dual Harness in use here. The Kaiser strap from Baierfoto An alternative is the Kaiser strap from
Question You may have anticipated the next
question: Are the clips on the Kaiser strap connectors
compatible with the Op/Tech USA system? They look
very similar.
Conclusions Both Rolf-Dieter Baier and Op/Tech USA are great people to deal with, and in both cases the products offered are excellent. It is a pity that the clips are not compatible. I e-mailed Rolf-Dieter Baier and got speedy replies and fast dispatch of the items. I called Op/Tech USA to ask some questions before ordering, and I got straight through to a person who was knowledgeable about their products and gave me the right information (no recorded menus to work through!). Baierfoto also sells its equipment on eBay, and some vendors in the USA and some other countries sell Op/Tech’s Dual Harness on eBay at good prices, but I bought some items directly from them. The Baierfoto Kaiser strap If you are looking for a Neoprene or similar strap to fit the Pentacon Six body (as opposed to the case), Baierfoto is the easiest way to meet your requirements. Of course, the Baierfoto Kaiser strap will also fit the case, for which you would not need the Baierfoto camera lug clips. The Baierfoto Pentacon Six Strap clips I view Baierfoto’s lug clips as such important accessories that I have bought three sets, and may yet buy more. They clip firmly and safely into place and (unlike the Kiev 60 and Kiev 88 straps!) will not fall off when you are not looking! They have multiple connection options and can be used with many different types of strap. The slot takes a standard 3/8" wide strap, and the hole above it is suitable for other connectors, including some of the other connectors offered by Op/Tech USA. The Op/Tech USA Dual harness The harness may look bulky in the photos. In practice, it is not. It is extremely light-weight and can be wrapped up into a very small space. Once it is put on, it is no more obvious than a couple of camera straps or a backpack with a sternum strap. This has been set very high, to ensure that it is equally comfortable for men and women users. In cooler weather you may even opt to put the harness on under a loose-fitting outer jacket, and this will work fine, if you have the jacket open at the front. You can see an Op/Tech USA video of the Dual Harness here (via the Op/Tech website) or here (on YouTube). This gives a good indication of its versatility, and shows you how to put it on. If you want a dual camera harness, in my opinion, the Op/Tech USA harness is the one to go for – based on my usage of it. It is extremely comfortable. For me it totally eliminates the neck ache that can result from carrying two heavy cameras round one’s neck on standard straps for several hours. Working with it is very fast. The cameras are secure, safe and immediately at hand. The Op/Tech USA harness System Connectors will connect immediately with a Pentacon Six camera case. If you wish to use them directly on the camera, you will probably need to get the lug clips from Baierfoto. These will fit perfectly onto Op/Tech USA’s standard 3/8" strap webbing. I am delighted to see the availability of these products, which are ideally suited for use with the Pentacon Six. But is there an Op/Tech USA lug clip that will fit the Pentacon Six? See a separate review here. To go to introduction to the cameras, click here. To go back to the introduction to the other accessories, click here. To choose other options, click below.
© TRA First published: July 2011 Latest
revision: June 2021 |