Pentacon Six System
by TRA
Filters for
Pentacon Six lenses
On this page we look at a sample selection of filters from
Carl Zeiss and some other East German manufacturers for
Pentacon Six lenses. We start with a short
introduction to colour and to the general use of filters in
photography. Visitors familiar with this basic
information can scroll straight down to the information on
East German filters.
Basic colour
The properties of colour filters have been known since at
least 1855, when James Clerk Maxwell submitted a paper to
the Royal Society in Edinburgh, in which he explained the
possibility of producing full-colour images by taking
three black-and-white photographs of a subject, each
through a different coloured filter, and combining the
images. In 1861 this was demonstrated by Thomas
Sutton, working with Maxwell, who took separate black and
white photographs through red, green and blue
filters. At the time of writing, more information on
this can be seen on the website of the Clerk Maxwell
foundation, here.
The negatives thus created were copied in order to produce
three separate positive black and white images on glass –
the original version of reversal slides for projection.
The reason why Sutton and
Maxwell’s system works is because when a black and
white photograph is taken through a coloured filter,
the filter makes components of the image that have
the same colour lighter and
components of the image that have the complementary
colour darker. Thus,
when Sutton and Maxwell’s three monochrome slides
were simultaneously projected by three “magic
lanterns” (as slide projectors were called at the
time), each with the corresponding colour filter in
front of the projection lens, and the three images
were superimposed on a screen, a full colour image
was the result.
What are the
“complementary colours”?
Using the three colours identified by Maxwell,
the complementary colours are the following:
Basic (“additive”)
(“subtractive”) colour
Obviously, most
colours occurring in real life are not
purely one of these six colours, but often
tints that are a combination of different
colours. However, the combination of
the three basic colours, superimposed on
each other with whatever intensity they may
have, results, in theory at least, in
reproduction of all the colours of the
original subject.
The principle of adding together information
from Red, Green and Blue channels (often referred to
as “RGB”) is still used for TVs, computer monitors
and other devices. Colour printing in books,
newspapers, product labels, computer printers, etc
often uses the colours Yellow, Magenta and Cyan,
often with the addition of black. The acronym
for this is “YMC” or “YMCK”, where the “K” stands
for “Black”, as the letter “B” is used for “Blue” in
the acronym “RGB”.
Red, Blue and Green are sometimes referred to as
“additive” colours, while Yellow, Magenta and Cyan
are called “subtractive” colours. There is a
logic behind this terminology that is particularly
relevant in printing colour photographs from an
enlarger, in a darkroom, but to go into more detail
here would be beyond the scope of this page.
At the time of writing, there is a good description
of this at
Using colour filters in
Black and White Photography
Knowledge of the above principles soon made the use of
colour filters popular for black and white
photography. By the 1930s, perhaps the most
popular colour filter for landscape photography
was Yellow, since this darkened the
blue sky and so made the clouds stand out. A Deep
Red filter would turn the cyan component
of sky colours very dark, not far off black. However,
a red filter used for a portrait of a lady would lighten red
lips to a very pale colour and so was not popular for this.
Dr Heyde’s book “Pentaconsix Praxis” has an excellent
chapter on filters (in German, naturally!). I
reproduce here (translated into English) a table that is to
be found on page 98 of the first edition of 1974 and of the
second edition of 1975, and on page 80 of the third edition
of 1980.
Colour of
Colour of subject: |
Colour reproduced: |
somewhat darker
much lighter
much darker
much darker
significantly lighter
somewhat darker
significantly lighter
very much darker
much lighter
significantly darker
very much lighter
Using filters in
Colour Photography
It is obviously possible to use colour filters in colour
photography, to achieve a particular “artistic”
effect. The result is an essentially monochrome
image in varying shades of the colour of the filter,
especially in the case of darker filters, such as dark
reds. However, most of the time obviously-coloured
filters are not used for colour photography, in which the
following types of filters are common:
- Ultra-violet (abbreviated “UV”). These filters
are purported to reduce the effect of atmospheric haze,
although most of the time they are principally used to
protect the front element of the lens from damage.
- Polarizing filters. These filters reduce the
light in one axis. They therefore need to be in
rotating mounts and it is necessary to look through the
filter while rotating it, in order to see how the effect
changes at different angles in relation to the
sun. The best way to do this is to use an SLR
camera, which will view the subject through the lens,
and therefore also through the filter. Polarizing
filters substantially reduce reflections. Images
in East German publications frequently show them being
used to take photographs, from the street, of
shop-window displays, without reflections of the street
scene being visible in the glass of the window.
However, polarizing filters can also reduce reflections
from other sources, such as shiny leaves on plants,
resulting in more saturated colours.
- Neutral density filters (often abbreviated to
“ND”). These grey filters reduce the light
entering the lens, enabling wider apertures or slower
shutter speeds to be used when desired. In recent
years they have become very popular in pictures that
include moving water (rivers, the sea, ...), to enable
such a slow speed to be used that the water becomes more
or less blurred. For such photographs, a tripod is
obviously essential. In the absence of an ND
filter, a polarizing filter can achieve largely the same
- Various colour-correction filters that have a very
pale density. They are designed to compensate for
an undesirable colour shift, as may be caused by some
slide films or close to sunrise or sunset, when the
ambient colour may be “warmer” (redder) than
normal. They are available in various intensities
and their use is essentially limited to photography on
reversal (slide) film, since with colour negative
material, any slight colour shift or colour cast will
(or should!) be eliminated during the printing
process. The digital equivalent is the “White
balance” setting on some digital cameras.
- In 1978 the French photographer Jean Coquin developed
graduated filters. These filters were not round
but square or rectangular. They typically had a
dark colour (often grey, but not necessarily so) that
faded to totally transparent at the other end of the
filter. They were eventually marketed under the
anglicised name “Cokin”. They can be ideal in
landscape (and seascape) photography, to darken the sky
and so bring out sky detail, without under-exposing the
lower part of the image.
Naturally, all these types of filters
can also be used in black and white photography
(although colour-correction filters are unlikely to
result in a visible difference in the picture).
Other filters that can be used both in back &
white and colour photography include:
- Close up filters. An example of such
filters can be seen here
and here.
- Cross and “starburst” filters. These can
add sparkle to images that include reflections
of the sun or that have multiple light sources
(such as street lights), where rays of light
extend from the light source in four, six, or
more directions.
- Multiple-image filters. These can
reproduce sections of an image miltiple
times. This generally works best on a dark
- Soft-focus filters, which are sometimes used
for portrait photography.
To the right we see an example of the use of a
multi-image filter on a Pentacon Six, taken by Dr W
Gerhard Heyde and reproduced in the third edition of
his book “Pentaconsix Praxis” (p. 124), published in
1980 by VEB Fotokinoverlag, which on the title page
indicated its location as being no longer Halle but
now Leipzig. The photograph is in fact of the
logo for the Leipzig trade fair, which is known in
German as the “Leipziger Messe”. According to
Wikipedia (here),
the double M logo was designed in 1917 by Erich
Gruner. The Leipziger Messe was used for
commercial fairs in many sectors of trade and
commerce, and generally both in the Spring and in
the Autumn during a large part of the 20th century
it hosted a photographic fair, where new products
were often announced or launched.
Filter factors
If a filter is holding back some of the light in the
scene, obviously less light will reach the film.
With a particularly dense or dark filter, under-exposure
will result (the image will be too dark). It is easy
to compensate for this, and filters should be supplied
with a filter factor or exposure
factor. This will
typically be along the lines of “2×”, which means “double
the exposure indicated by the hand-held meter or other
exposure guide”. This is easily achieved by opening
up the lens by one stop (for instance, from f/11 to f/8)
or doubling the exposure time (for instance, by using
1/125 sec instead of 1/250 sec). Likewise, a filter
that had an exposure factor of 4× would require the lens
aperture to be opened by two stops (since each stop will
double the light intensity entering through the previous,
smaller aperture setting), or using a shutter speed “two
down” from the unfiltered speed (for instance, in the
above example, by using 1/60 sec instead of 1/250 sec).
Again, a table in Dr Heyde’s book “Pentaconsix Praxis”
may help to clarify the options. It, too, is to be
found on page 98 of the first and second editions and on
page 80 of the third edition.
Filter factor
Open the aperture by
or increase the exposure time
½ an aperture value (half a stop)
2 ×
1 aperture value (one stop)
1 shutter speed value
3 ×
1½ aperture values
1 shutter speed value + ½ aperture
4 ×
2 aperture values
2 shutter speed values [or 1
aperture value and 1 shutter speed value]
6 ×
2½ aperture values
2 shutter speed values + ½ aperture
8 ×
3 aperture values
3 shutter speed values [or other
equivalent combination]
However, photographers who use the TTL metering
prism on the Pentacon Six are spared all these
calculations, since the meter will measure accurately
the amount of light actually coming into the camera
via the lens and the filter.
information on German Filters
I am grateful to Michael G from
Germany for sending me a link to a detailed page
on filters from Germany (East and West), the USA
and other sources, written in German.
However, visitors to this website who do not know
German may obtain interesting information with the
help of a translation program, and they may find
the data charts fairly easy to understand with
little or no knowledge of German, just translating
a few key words, principally the words for the
different colours.
That page is Copyright © by
Horst Neuhaus.
The author of the web page, Horst Neuhaus, points
out that with analogue (film-based) photography,
colour-correction filters were mostly used with
“slide” or “reversal” film (“Umkehrfilm” in
German), as the printing equipment in processing
labs for negative film generally interpreted
colour changes on the film as unintentional
“casts” (German “Stiche”) that had to be edited
out when printing – thus negating the effect of
the filter!
Neuhaus points out that with digital photography,
the photographer can regain control of the use of
such filters, always provided that white balance
is set before the filter is
attached to the lens.
TRA, 28.4.23.
Filters for Pentacon
Six lenses
Naturally, filters from any manufacturer can be used with
any camera, provided that there is a convenient way of
fitting them to the lens. In the 1930s and 1940s,
many filters were in “push on” mounts. That
is to say, they gripped the front of the lens rather in
the way that most lens caps did until very recently.
However, already in the 1930s many photographic lenses had
a female thread at the front, so that filters could be screwed
in, and by the 1950s this became the most popular
way of attaching filters to a lens. In order to do
this, it was necessary to know the diameter
of the filter thread on the lens and the pitch,
i.e. the distance between each turn of the thread.
Carl Zeiss Jena succeeded in limiting the filter mounts
on lenses for the Pentacon Six to one of three sizes:
- 58mm with pitch 0.75. This was used for the 80mm
Tessar and the 80mm Biometar standard lenses.
- 67mm with pitch 0.75. This was used for the
120mm Biometar lens.
- 86mm with pitch 1. This was used for the 50mm
and 65mm Flektogon wideangle lenses and the 180mm and
300mm Sonnar telephoto lenses.
Standardising on filter sizes was popular with
photographers, since it meant that filters that they
bought could be used on several different lenses, thus
reducing financial outlay.
I am aware of four East German manufacturers of filters
for Pentacon Six lenses:
- Panchromar (see the changes to the manufacturer’s name
- VEB Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Genosse
- Hugo Arnz Optische Werkstätte, Jena
- Carl Zeiss Jena
We note that three of these manufacturers were in Jena,
the main centre for lens making in Germany and the
location of the original Carl Zeiss headquarters, while
the other one was in a suburb of Dresden, the centre of
excellence in camera design and manufacture. Here I
give some brief information on filters from these four
manufacturers. All the filters from these
manufacturers that I have seen were also front-threaded,
so that a lens shade (hood), or even another filter, could
be added. This also makes it possible to store
filters by screwing them together and adding a screw-on
back cap and a screw-in front cap, for protection.
Panchromar filters were apparently
originally manufactured by the firm of Lehmann &
Balzer. They manufactured a wide range of
58mm filters suitable for the 80mm Tessar and
Biometar lenses, as well as 67mm filters suitable
for the 120mm Biometar and 86mm filters for the four
Zeiss lenses that required this size, which were
probably the only lenses being made at that time in
East Germany that took 86mm filters.
The flyer illustrated to the right was found in
inside the book “Pentacon Praxis” by Kurt Hartmann,
which was published by VEB Fotokinoverlag
Halle (3rd edition, 1961). The Pentacon
camera referred to in the title of the book was the
post-war 35mm Contax camera that was designed and
manufactured in Dresden. Unlike the pre-war
version, this was a single-lens reflex camera with a
built-in pentaprism. This camera was initially
referred to as the “Contax S” (although no cameras
bore the “S” on the name plate). That camera
is described here.
Subsequent versions included the Contax D and E (see
Subsequently, following numerous legal challenges by
the new Contax firm in West Germany, the
manufacturers coined a new name for their Pentaprism
Contax, and renamed the camera
“Pentacon” (see here).
The text of this flyer states:
- Light filters
- Colour filters
- Ancilliary lenses
- Soft-Focus filters
- Lens hoods (shades)
for the PRAKTICA
LEHMANN & BALZER – Lommatzsch / Dresden
Firm with Government shares”

The reverse side of the same flyer
details the products available (translation from the
German by the author of this website):
Panchromar Light filters
for Black & White Photography
light yellow
middle yellow
light red
dark red
ultra-violet I
ultra-violet II*
light neutral grey*
middle neutral grey*
dark neutral grey*
* also for colour photography
Colour Filters for Colour Photography
to correct blue or red colour casts and
enable use of daylight film in artificial
light and artificial light film in daylight.
To correct blue casts
RC 1.5
RC 6
RC 13
To correct red casts
BC 1.5
BC 3
BC 6
BC 12
(The numbers after the letters indicate the
conversion strength in Decamireds.)
lenses for 5 cm lenses
Close-up lens I 0.5
dioptre (focussing down to 40
cm possible)
Close-up lens II 1.0
dioptre (focussing down to 34
cm possible)
Close-up lens III 2.0 dioptre
(focussing down to 25 cm possible)
Soft-Focus filters for 5 cm
Soft-focus I Light
Soft-focus II Stronger, more obvious
All light filters
and colour filters are made from Jena
optical dyed-in-the-mass glass (solid glass
filters). The glass is resistent to
the sun’s rays and safe for use in the
Tropics. Request leaflets and
operating instructions. |
Even though some filters are specified for 50mm
lenses (for a 35mm camera), we must bear in mind
that this flyer was probably produced in 1961.
We know that Panchromar filters in other sizes were
subsequently manufactured.

Some Panchromar filters still come
with the instruction sheet that was probably
originally enclosed with all their filters.
This is shown to the right. Those who wish to
study it in detail will get to a higher resolution
copy by clicking on the side of the sheet that
interests them.
It would appear that by the time that this leaflet
was produced (for inclusion with a filter for a
Pentacon Six lens), one of the constant GDR
government reorganisations and expropriations of
private companies had resulted in the firm being
remind readers that “VEB” stands for “Volks
Eigener Betrieb”
(usually written “Volkseigener Betrieb”), which
means, literally, “People’s Own Works”, a euphemism
for State-owned, since they were subject to the
control of the East German government and the
communist party (which was known in the GDR as the

Boxes of a selection of 58mm
Panchromar filters suitable for the 80mm
Tessar and Biometar lenses (and other
lenses that take 58mm filters, such as the
Carl Zeiss Jena 55mm f/1.4 two-pin Pancolar
lens designed for the Pentacon Super 35mm
camera, which was manufactured between 1968
and 1972). |

On the left, view of the filters that
came in these boxes. It seems strange that
with two of these filters, the front retaining ring
is bright chrome, instead of being anodized black to
prevent any possible risk of reflections.
There are reasons to believe that this particular
set of filters was manufactured between about 1960
and 1962, and shortages of all sorts of materials
were so severe under the communist system that old
components could not be thrown away but had to be
used. It seems that with with the UV filter on
the left and the orange filter on the right, we are
witnessing one of the transitions in which old stock
was used in the manufacture of newer products.
The photograph on the right shows that the filter
was supplied in a plastic hinged case, within its
carboard box, with the instruction sheet that is
reproduced above.
The text on the top flap of these
boxes helps with the dating of the manufacture of
these filters. Some of the boxes have “Made in
Germany” while others have “Made in GDR”. We
have seen (here)
that they key date for the commencement of the use
of “GDR” and “DDR” in East Germany, instead of
simply “Germany” was the building of the Berlin
Wall, which started on 13th August 1961.
Again, old stock, even if it was just cardboard
boxes, could not be thrown away, so some of these
boxes have the old designation, even though all of
these filters were probably manufactured at about
the same time.
The plastic filter case illustrated below came in a
post-1961 box labelled “Made in GDR”, yet it has the
old designation “Germany” – another example of old
stock being used instead of being discarded.
We will conclude this section on
Panchromar filters with one last picture, this time,
of the box in which an 86mm Panchromar filter was
supplied. We can see that this is a UV filter,
and the box states “Verlängerung: praktisch keine” –
“Exposure extension: virtually none”.
What surprises us is the nature of the box: the
cover from a box for a smaller filter has been
roughly cut out and pasted slightly off-centre on
this blank cardboard box. We do not wish to be
unfairly critical of the hard-working people who
lived in Eastern Germany: they did their best with
what they had, but frequently suffered from
shortages of the most basic things. This box
is illustrative of that sad state of affairs.
VEB Jenaer Glaswerk
Schott & Genosse
As indicated in the section on lens shades (here), some 86mm filters for
the wide-angle Flektogon lenses for the Pentacon Six were
designed in a special mount, where the rear thread was
(obviously) 86mm, but the front thread was 95mm. The
purpose of making the front of the filter mount wider than
the rear was to prevent the mount (or a lens hood attached
to it) from darkening the corners of the picture (known as
“vignetting”). As regards the filters themselves, this
was no doubt successful with both of these wide-angle
lenses, although the wide-angle lens shade, which was
designed for the 65mm Flektogon, could introduce vignetting
if used with the extreme wide-angle 50mm Flektogon
lens. See more details on this subject here.
The manufacturer of these special filters was VEB Jenaer
Glaswerk Schott und Genosse in Jena, which was the new,
communist, name of the world-famous Schott glass company,
which had been supplying glass for microscope and camera
lenses to Carl Zeiss since the 19th century. According
to Wikipedia (here),
“in 1884, the glass chemist Otto Schott partnered with Ernst
Abbe, Carl Zeiss and his son Roderich Zeiss, to found the
Glastechnisches Laboratorium Schott & Genossen, which
would later become Jenaer Glaswerke Schott & Genossen
and then Schott AG.”
Naturally, for a lens shade to be mounted on these filters,
it had to have a 95mm mount. So that the shade for the
65mm Flektogon could also be used on the lenses without one
of these special filters, it was supplied with an 86mm-95mm
adapter ring, which would first be removed from the shade
when it was to be mounted onto one of these filters.
Filters with a mount diameter of 86mm are large and
relatively expensive items and most photographers would not
wish to have to go to the expense of buying separate filters
in this size for each of their lenses. For this
reason, the lens shades for the 180mm and 300mm Sonnars were
also designed with a rear 95mm mount and supplied with an
86mm-95mm adapter ring, so that they could be used on these
filters and also on these lenses without one of these
filters, when required – even though, with these telephoto
lenses, there was no risk of the filter mount or the lens
shade causing vignetting.
These filters were supplied in smart,
wooden boxes. The ones shown here were painted
grey, although other boxes have been seen that are
blue in colour (see here).
Below we see a selection of these filters:

The next two images give a closer-up view of some of these
filters from Schott.

This filter is labelled “Skylight”,
which is a common name for the R1.5 filter that
reduces blueness in the image through slight
warming. It is still popular and would
probably be especially helpful for slides
(reversal film) shot with Ektachrome film, which
can tend towards blue. We note that the
little label included in the box says “o.
Verl.”, short for “ohne Verlängerung”, which
means “without lengthening [of exposure]”.
The box to its right has been placed upside
down, to reveal the text of the label on its
base. We can see that it is a UV filter,
and the designation “M86 × 1-W” shows the filter
diameter and pitch, while the “W” after this
presumably stands for “Weitwinkel”, which means
“Wide-angle” – an indication that the front
thread is wider, with a diameter of 95mm, to
avoid vignetting when used on a wide-angle lens
(essentially the two medium format Flektogons).
With these two
filters we see that a ticket and a label were
included. The rectangular ticket has the
manufacturer’s name and certain other
information. See close-ups of both sides
of the this ticket below. The round
label contains information specific to the
filter in question. The one on the left
has a reference number followed by “gelb,
mittel ca. 3×”, which means “mid yellow,
[exposure factor] approx 3×”. The one on
the right again gives the manufacturer’s
reference number, this time followed by “rot,
hell ca. 3–5×”, which means “light red,
[exposure factor approx 3–5×”. This does
remind us that when using such filters, it is
advisable to carry out tests at different
exposures in order to see the effect of using
the filter, or to bracket one’s exposures
(take a series of pictures on the metered
value and either side of it).
The front of the ticket states “VEB
Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen., Jena
Betriebsteil Fotofilter Jenaer Glas”,
followed by a company logo. The meaning of the
text is “State-owned Schott & Co. Jena, Jena
Glassworks. Business section: photo filters,
Jena Glass”.
The back of the ticket gives the manufacturers
reference number, the exposure factor and the
colour, followed by “86 mm EW”, which gives us the
rear thread diameter. It is presumed that “EW”
refers to "wide-angle", perhaps “Extrem Weitwinkel”,
which means “extreme wide-angle”.
Schott was and is a world-leading manufacturer of
glass and glass products. The Wikipedia
article referred to above states that “During
Germany's division, there were two independent
companies: the VEB Jenaer Glaswerk at the historic
site, which would later be integrated into the
combine VEB Carl Zeiss Jena, and the glassworks in
Mainz that traded under the name Jenaer Glaswerk
Schott & Gen. After the close cooperation of the
two glassworks in the first years following World
War II had been cancelled by the GDR in 1953, a
dispute arose over the use of company names and its
logo, a square with a circle and the words Jena
Glass with a superscript "er,". The two parties
finally reached an agreement in 1981, which allowed
the West German company to use the name "Schott" and
the square with a circle, while the East German
company was permitted to use the term "Jenaer
Glass." After the fall of the inner German border in
1989, the company based in Mainz acquired the East
German company in Jena.”
We conclude this section on Schott filters with some
pictures of one of their filters on a Carl Zeiss Jena lens
for the Pentacon Six, and details of a lens hood and its
adapter ring.
In the first three
images here, a red Schott 86mm filter with
95mm front thread is mounted on a Carl Zeiss
Jena 300mm f/4 Sonnar telephoto lens with the
Pentacon Six mount. Here we see the
lens’s standard lens hood mounted directly
onto the filter.
This side view
permits the shape of the filter mount to be
appreciated more easily, also showing how the
lens hood, which has a rear screw thread of
95mm, is screwed into it.
By removing the lens hood for
this picture, we are able to see the shape of the
filter mount more clearly.
Here is the lens hood as
supplied with the 300mm Sonnar. The thread
on the shade itself is 95mm, and it is supplied
with the adapter ring that can be seen here
already mounted on the lens hood. The ring
states its front and rear thread dimensions.
Note that it is particularly important to use a lens shade
when a filter has been mounted on a lens, since otherwise
ambient light that does not form part of the picture will
shine on the front of the filter, potentially reducing the
image contrast considerably. This can be less of a
problem with lenses that do not have a filter on them, since
the front element of the lens is usually recessed to a
greater or lesser extent within the lens barrel, which may
partially or completely shield the lens from unwanted
ambient light.
Hugo Arnz
Optische Werkstätte, Jena
This manufacturer of photographic
filters advertised in the book “Exakta
Kleinbild-Fotografie” by Werner Wurst, published by
VEB Fotokinoverlag Halle (6th edition, 1961).
The image shows an “old-fashioned” clip-on (not
screw-in) filter that also is not front-threaded to
receive a lens hood or other filter. It shows
a hinged plastic box for the filter, and an outer
cardboard box.
The text states:
“A Sign for Quality
All light filters for black & white and colour
film, A-Z Colortester, Polarisationfilters,
Ancilliary lenses and Soft-Focus filters”
There is no indication of filter sizes, and Arnz may
have concentrated principally on filters for lenses
for 35mm cameras, which mostly had a smaller
diameter. However, in his “Praktisix Buch”
(Fotokinoverlag, 1964), Dr W Gerhard Heyde
recommends the “Colortester” from Arnz, Jena (p.
196), and some Arnz filters in sizes suitable for
Pentacon Six lenses are still occasionally to be
In the photograph on the left
here, we can see two Arnz filters suitable
for Pentacon Six lenses.
The one on the left is a 67mm UV filter,
suitable for the 120mm Biometar lens.
The one on the right is a 86mm polarizing
filter, suitable for any of the four Carl
Zeiss Pentacon Six lens that take filters of
this size. It is in a rotating mount.
Both filters are front-threaded, to receive
further filters or a lens hood (although the
use of more than one filter on wide-angle
lenses is not generally advisable, as it can
result in vignetting). Note that the
front thread of the polarizing filter is
also 86mm, unlike the 86mm filters from
Jenaer Glaswerk Schott und Genosse that are
described above.
Both filters are supplied in a very smart
wooden box. Neither filter bears any
lettering, although the polarizing filter
does have an index dot to aid in orientating
it correctly.
Writing in April 2023, Michael G from
Germany writes, “I could confirm, that UV
(Nr.100) also exists in M86/M95 version,
just bought it on Ebay.”
To the right we show a photograph of that
filter, received from Michael.
Clicking on the image opens a larger copy of
it. “Ohne Verlängerung” on the label
means “without lengthening [exposure]”,
which is of course unnecessary with a UV

The hinged plastic
box in this illustration is similar to the one
in which some Panchromar filters were
Carl Zeiss Jena
A polarizing filter in a rotating
mount was manufactured by Carl Zeiss Jena for the
standard Biometar lens (and also in a 49mm mount for
lenses used on the 35mm Praktica cameras). The
58mm version that is illustrated here was supplied
in a beautifully-stitched custom leather case.
The straight white lines on the front edge of the
filter were designed to make it easier for the
photographer to align the filter correctly, even
without needing to look through the camera
viewfinder. Thus, the photographer could
rotate the filter in front of his/her eye and note
from the white lines the angle that gave the best
effect, before screwing the filter onto the
lens. The knurled edges make rotating the
filter easier, once it is mounted on the lens.
