Pentacon Six System
by TRA
Filter Systems
for Pentacon Six lenses
A “square” filter system for the Pentacon
Background & The Problem
Traditionally, filters have been round,
and they screw into a filter thread on
the front of the lens (or many decades ago occasionally
were push fit, held in place by friction).
Cokin filters
However, in 1978 the French
photographer Jean Coquin introduced a system of square
filters. These filters slid
into a holder that was mounted onto
the lens. Eventually, this system was
commercialised world-wide with an anglicised spelling of
his name: Cokin. Square (or in some
cases rectangular) filters have various
- They can be mounted via adapter rings
onto lenses with different-sized filter mounts.
- Jean Coquin introduced graduated
filters, in which the intensity of the filter effect
varied from the top of the filter to the bottom.
This can be used, for instance, in landscape and
seascape photography to reduce the brightness of the
sky and avoid over-exposing it.
- The graduated filter can be slid up or
down in the holder, to align with the horizon, which
does not have to be at the mid point of the image,
which is seldom the best position, from a
compositional point of view.
However, some of the best landscape lenses
for the Pentacon Six have very large diameter front
elements, so that the filter mount on the two wide-angle
Flektogon lenses is 86mm, with a thread pitch of
1mm, whereas Coquin’s original system was for filters with
a mount diameter up to 62mm – far too small for use on
most Pentacon Six lenses. (For information on the
Coquin/Cokin system, I am referring to the “Cokin” entry
in French Wikipedia, here.
Page accessed on 29th September 2019.) This was the
“A” (“Amateur”) system. The company
subsequently introduced a “P”
(“Professionnel”/“Professional”) system, with maximum
thread diameters of 82mm, still too small for many
Pentacon Six lenses.
Cokin subsequently introduced two further sizes:
- “Z-Pro” with sizes for lenses with
filter mounts up to 96mm diameter
- “X-Pro” with sizes for lenses with
filter mounts up to 112mm diameter.
last there was a size for the 50mm Flektogon!
However, if the 96mm system were used on this wide-angle
lens, I would be concerned that there might be vignetting
(darkening) of the edges or corners, since most filter
holder have two or three slots, in order to hold a
series of filters in front of the lens at the same time,
so these filter holders can extend forwards up to a
centimetre or more from the rear mount that screws into
the lens.
Meanwhile, other manufacturers have entered the same
sector of the market.
Lee filters
One of the best-known in the U.K. is Lee
filters. At the time of writing, they
have information on a 100mm system, which
can be accessed here.
(Link correct on 29th September 2019). Even this
can be too small for some wide-angle
lenses, and so Lee have now introduced a 150mm
system. They call it “SW150”.
I would guess that “SW” stands for “Super-Wide”.
Information on that system can currently be accessed here.
This certainly sounds fully suitable for Pentacon Six
lenses. However, I have no experience of it,
having followed another route.
lenses and NiSi filters
A couple of years ago I bought
the superb 10mm (!)
Voigtländer “Hyper-Wide Heliar” lens. Such an
extreme wide-angle lens could not be made even for a
35mm SLR, and it was previously only
available for Rangefinder cameras.
However, when mirrorless digital cameras
were introduced, Voigtländer made this lens available in
the Sony FE “35mm full frame” mount. It is of
course a superb lens. However, it does not cover 6
× 6 format and cannot be used on a Pentacon Six.
But ...
For such an extreme wide-angle lens, one on-line review
recommended the NiSi 150mm Filter Holder System,
and I bought the holder immediately, in case it was
discontinued (which seems to have happened!!).
Here are some pictures of the NiSi holder on the 10mm
Voigtländer lens, on a Sony mirrorless full frame 35mm

As indicated by the
name, this filter holder takes rectangular
filters that are 150mm wide. It is shown
here and in the picture to the right with no
filter in place.

This closer view reveals how the
holder is slipped round the petals of the built-in
lens hood. The central section of the holder
is mildly conical, which has to be the case so
that the filters will clear the front of the lens
hood petals.

This side view enables us to
appreciate how the holder is attached to the
lens. Again we can see the conical shape of
the inner section of the holder. Here we
have inserted a 3-stop hard graduated ND filter
into the holder.

Front view with the graduated filter
in place. This is a grey
graduated filter.
The brownish-reddish colour visible here is the
colour that is reflected by the
multi-coating on the filter. A
totally-neutral grey is what is transmitted
by the filter.
Note that while most NiSi filters
are square, the graduated Neutral Density filters
are 150mm wide × 170mm tall, to permit adjustment
of the filter to match the height of the horizon
(or other transition from light to dark) in the
The NiSi holder has
two separate components:
- a central, “dished” component
that is round, which slides onto the lens
- an outer component that is
rectangular, which holds the filters.
The back of the rectangular
component has a narrow recess all round the
opening, and the front of the ring sits in this
recess. On one side, the round component is
held in place by two small tabs in the rectangular
component, and the edge of the ring is tucked
under these tabs when it is inserted into the
larger component. On the other edge of the
opening, there is a small spring-loaded tab.
The edge of that tab can just be seen in the
photograph to the right here, on the right-hand
side of the opening. This tab is pulled out
by the user, gripping the knob that can be seen in
the photo. The rest of the ring is dropped
into place, and the knob is released, enabling the
ring to be securely held in place by the tab.
Making the holder in two separate components has
two advantages:
- It enables the manufacturer to
offer centre sections for different
lenses. A NiSi brochure lists 15
different lenses from a wide range of
manufacturers, including Voigtländer, Zeiss,
Nikon, Canon, Sigma and others.
- It enables the user to rotate
the filter holder, for instance, to get the
best effect when using a polarizing filter, or
for a slanting horizon when using a graduated
It also has an advantage for us
Pentacon Six users! It enables us to
replace the centre section with one that will
fit our preferred lenses!! More than two
years ago I wrote directly to NiSi and to one of
their U.K. distributors, to enquire about
obtaining alternative centre sections. I
also asked the same question of the staff on
their stand at the Photography Show in
Birmingham in March 2019. However, up to
the time of writing (at the beginning of October
2019) I have not received a reply. I
therefore decided to seek the solution

visitors to this website may have seen how SRB
have helped me in the past. Their website
is now here.
(Last accessed on 30th September 2019)
- Years ago, they made a ring
that enabled me to mount a Hasselblad
Compendium Lens Shade onto the 600mm mirror
lens. (See here.)
- And years ago they designed
the components that enabled Tom Page to mount
the prototype Schneider-Kreuznach 40mm
Curtagon lens into an Exakta 66 lens
body. (See three pages, starting here.)
Over the years they have also made
or supplied from stock other lens adapter rings
(not reported on in this website).
I therefore asked them if they could make some
custom rings for me. The result can be seen
in the image to the right.
Because of the petal lens hood of the 40mm
Zenzanon lens (see pictures of it here), they had to
make a deep ring, which slides onto the petals and
has a locking screw to hold it in place. All
the other rings are essentially flat discs with a
uniform outer diameter and profile to fit into the
rectangular component of the NiSi filter holder,
and differing internal apertures and filter
threads, depending on the lenses for which they
are designed. In the picture to the right,
the front of the ring is up for the 40mm Zenzanon,
58mm, 86mm, 95mm & 105mm rings, and the back
of the ring is up for the 67mm & 82mm rings.
Here is a summary of the principal lenses with a
Pentacon Six mount that these rings will fit, and
some Pentax 67 lenses that will mount on one of my
Pentacon Sixes, via a special lens mount ring (see
details here),
plus a few
lenses for other cameras:
tube with locking screw (Top
left in picture on the right)
40mm Zenzanon
105mm × 1
40mm Curtagon
58mm × 0.75mm
80mm Biometar & Planar
80mm Tessar
90mm Vega-12
67mm × 0.75
45mm Mir 69
120mm Biometar
180mm Meyer-Optik Primotar
Exakta 66 60mm, 80mm, 150mm & 250mm
82mm × 0.75
45mm Mir 26B
& shift & shift/tilt lenses
derived from it
150mm Kaleinar
250mm Jupiter-36
300mm Telemegor
45mm Pentax 67 lens
300mm Pentax 67 lens
(and also lenses such as the 23mm
Fujinon GF for Fuji GFX)
86mm ×1
50mm & 65mm Flektogons
180mm & 300mm Sonnars
140-280mm Variogon (with front ring
(and also lenses such as the 17mm
Laowa GF for Fuji GFX)
95mm × 1
75-150mm Variogon,
140-280mm Variogon (with front ring
in place)
300mm Pentacon/Orestegor
400mm Tele-Ennalyt
500mm Arsat APO
55-100mm Pentax 67 lens
90-180mm Pentax 67 lens
The 80mm Planar is a (West)
German Carl Zeiss Planar lens that
someone has cleverly mounted into an
East German Carl Zeiss Biometar lens
Click on this
image to see it larger.
Note that
while SRB-Griturn are always prepared to
consider orders for special, one-off items,
experience has taught them not to produce
bespoke items based on dimensions measured
by customers – or even from specifications
published by other manufacturers! – as these
can be inaccurate. They work to
fractions of a millimeter, and so do their
own measurements of the components to which
custom items are to be attached.
Step-up rings
Other lenses can be catered for by using a
larger-sized ring, with a step-up ring from the
lens to the ring. For instance, for the
Arsenal Vega-28B 120mm lens, which takes 62mm ×
0.75 filters, the above 67mm ring could be used
via a standard 62mm to 67mm step-up ring.
One must only be careful using step-up rings when
using wide-angle lenses, as the greater depth of
the accessory caused by the step-up ring could
result in vignetting. However, this is only
really a potential problem with the widest
wide-angle lenses, which is why rings of the right
diameter for these lenses have been made, to avoid
the need for step-up rings in such cases.
One exception is the Pentax 67 55mm lens,
which has a filter mount diameter of 77mm. A
77mm male to 82mm female step-up ring could have
been used with the above SRB 82mm ring, but to
avoid any risk of vignetting I have preferred to
use a 77mm male up to 95mm female step-up ring, as
the extra inner diameter of the SRB 95mm ring
means that vignetting is less likely when an
adapter ring is used on this wide-angle lens.
Using the
NiSi system with the SRB rings on the Pentacon Six

The 45mm Arsenal Mir-69 wide-angle
with the NiSi filter holder mounted via the SRB
67mm ring,
with a NiSi 3-stop hard grad filter in place.

The 50mm Carl Zeiss Jena Flektogon
wide-angle lens
with the NiSi filter holder mounted via the SRB
86mm ring,
with a NiSi 3-stop hard grad filter in place.
vignetting occurred when using
these combinations of SRB rings and the NiSi
150mm filter holder with these wide-angle
Using filter systems is of course not
limited to wide-angle lenses; this system can also be used
on standard lenses (as illustrated at the top of this
page) and even with long telephoto lenses. In the
following pictures we can see the system on a 400mm lens
and a 500mm lens.

First we can see the filter holder
on the Arsat 500mm APO automatic aperture lens,
via the SRB 95mm × 1 adapter ring. Here we
are using the NiSi two-stop medium grad ND

This view enables us to see the
integrated lens hood that is permanently mounted
on this lens.
It is simply slipped fully back in order to
accommodate the filter system. More
information on this lens can be found here.

And here we see a super classic lens
from the 1960s, the Enna Tele-Ennalyt 400mm lens,
again using the same SRB 95mm × 1 adapter
ring! Here we have again mounted the NiSi
two-stop medium grad ND filter.

With the Tele-Ennalyt, we have
simply unscrewed and removed the standard Enna
lens hood. More information on this lens can
be found here.
Using the NiSi system
with the SRB rings on the Exakta 66
The NiSi 150mm filter holder will naturally
mount on all the fixed focal length Schneider Kreuznach
lenses for the Exakta 66 other than the 40mm Curtagon, as
they all have a 67mm × 0.75 filter thread, so here we
shall concentrate on the two Schneider Kreuznach zoom
lenses, the 75mm-150mm and 140mm-280mm Variogons.

The 75-150mm Variogon M in Exakta 66
style, with its lens hood fitted and the front cap
to the right.

When we remove the lens hood, we
find that it has a thread diameter of 100mm, but
behind it there is a ring that we can also remove,
revealing the 95mm diameter thread on the lens
Here we have mounted
the SRB 95mm × 1 ring onto the front of the
75-150mm Variogon, after removing the ring that
normally goes between the lens and the lens hood.

And here we have
“clipped” the filter holder onto the 95mm ring,
where it is securely held in place by the three
tabs round the edges of the opening in the
holder. We have also put the 2-stop medium
graduated ND filter into the holder.


The 140-280mm Variogon M in Exakta
66 style, with its lens hood fitted and the front
cap to the right.

When we remove the lens hood, we
find that it has a thread diameter of 95mm, but
behind it there is a ring that we can also remove,
revealing the 86mm diameter thread on the lens
So with
the longer Variogon we have two filter-mounting
- We can remove the adapter ring
that holds the lens hood and mount an 86mm × 1
filter or filter ring, the same as we used on
the 50mm Flektogon and that we could use on
the 65mm Flektogon and on the 180mm and 300mm
Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnars
- Or we can leave the adapter
ring in place and use the 95mm × 1 filter or
filter ring that we used on the shorter
75-150mm Variogon (and on the 500mm Arsat APO
lens and the 400mm Enna Tele-Ennalyt!).
Here we have mounted
the SRB 86mm × 1 ring onto the front of the
140-280mm Variogon, after removing the ring that
normally goes between the lens and the lens hood. |

And here we have
“clipped” the filter holder onto the 86mm ring,
where it is securely held in place by the three
tabs round the edges of the opening in the
holder. We also have the 2-stop medium
graduated ND filter in the holder – in fact, we
saved time by merely unclipping the holder from
the 95mm ring that we were using with the 75-150mm
Variogon. |

Here we have left in
place the 86mm to 95mm ring that sits between the
lens mount and the lens hood, so we have been able
to add the very same 95mm × 1 ring from SRB that
we had used on the 75-150mm Variogon.

And here we have
“clipped” the filter holder onto the 95mm ring,
where it is securely held in place by the three
tabs round the edges of the opening in the
holder. We again have the 2-stop medium
graduated ND filter in the holder. With a
wide-angle lens we would not want to “stack” rings
in this way, because of the danger of vignetting
being introduced, but with a lens that has as long
a focal length as this, and a filter holder that
is so wide, there is no risk of vignetting
occurring. |

The first test shots have been taken, but
we may need to wait until next spring or summer before
shooting seascapes with this system, as the coast is at
some distance from here.