The Pentacon Six System
by TRA


To see the latest additions and improvements to this website, click on the links below.  The list starts with the most recent additions and changes (i.e., it is in reverse chronological order).
Item Detail Date uploaded
Hartblei P6-GFX Shift Adapters
Addition of information on Hartblei Parallax-Free Shift Adapter for Fujifilm GFX cameras, plus pictures of it
24th July 2024
Strap connectors and links
Link added to new pictures of the Exakta 66 shutter release extension
22nd April 2024
Exakta 66 shutter release extension
New pictures and text on this added
22nd April 2024
Russian & Ukrainian Lens Data
Broken link repaired
10th April 2024
600mm mirror lens
Clarification received from visitor in Moscow on the correct name for this lens
1st March 2024
Digital or analogue?
Updated comment on digital cameras vs. the Pentacon Six and Carl Zeiss Jena lenses
29th February 2024
Kiev 88 viewfinders
Clarifications that  No Kiev 88 prism or other viewfinder can be mounted on a Pentacon Six and I do not believe that any adapter exists to make this possible.  See also here, here, here and here.
17th February 2024
Pentacon Six TLs
Minor clarification added to the explanation of the printing mask for negatives produced with the Pentacon Six TLs.
30th August 2023
Lens rear caps and body caps for the Pentacon Six
Report on the new, improved version of the lens rear caps and Pentacon Six / Kiev 60 body caps from Simon Forster Photographic
12th August 2023
P6 & M42 lens tests on GFX cameras
Minor typing error corrected plus a few additional comments
14th July 2023
A Kiev 88 – Pentacon Six lens adapter?
Is it possible to use lenses with the Salyut S / Zenith 80 / Kiev 80 / Kiev 88 mount on a camera body with a Pentacon Six mount?  Report of personal experience with an adapter.
13th July 2023
Pentacon tripod
Additional link added from the Pentacon tripod page, to the page on low-down photography
27th June 2023
Pentacon Tripod Minimum height
Addition of the minimum height of the Pentacon tripod, with photo of the tripod
27th June 2023
Pentacon Six Service & Repair
New website address for Foto-Service Olbrich
20th June 2023
Pentacon 29mm lens bounced reply
Another bounced reply.  I don't know why this is not getting through.
8th June 2023
Another bounced reply! Novoflex 500mm I begin to ask if it is my server – but other replies get through with no problem!
5th June 2023
Another bounced reply!
Pentacon: The Final Chapter.  Another reply rejected by the recipient’s server!
1st June 2023
Closure of the Pentacon company
We today learnt the sad news that the Pentacon company in Dresden no longer exists.  For details, see the link on the left here.
1st June 2023
French-language publicity
Addition of image and information on French publicity and the “man with a bowler hat” photograph.
5th May 2023
Hanimex Praktica 66 Serial Numbers
The lowest serial number previously reported to me was 20454, but in May 2023 I have received a photograph of the serial number of one of these cameras with the number 20433.  My thanks to the owner in the USA.
4th May 2023
Arnz filters
More information on Arnz filters for Pentacon Six lenses, plus a new picture of one.
28th April 2023
Addition of a link to a German web page on filters, especially filters from East and West Germany
28th April 2023
Bounced e-mails
I always reply to all non-spam e-mails but occasionally my reply is rejected by the enquirer’s server.  These bounced replies will now be copied here.  I hope that they will be found by the enquirer.
12th April 2023
Novoflex SIXBIG bellows, version I
Addition of pictures of the first version of the SIXBIG bellows, which had solid rods
31st March 2023
Novoflex bellows
Addition of link to information on rare Novoflex bellows for the Exakta 66 vertical camera of 1953/54 (see entry below this line).
23rd March 2023
Novoflex bellows for Exakta 66 Vertical
Addition of new information and pictures of Novoflex bellows made for the Exakta 66 vertical camera of 1953/54
23rd March 2023
Improved links to description of Schneider-Kreuznach 2× converter
For details of the Schneider-Kreuznach converter, see here and here. 14th October 2022
Problem with e-mails from France
My e-mails from this website to correspondents in France are rejected.  I suggest providing alternative means of contact, for instance, WhatsApp.
11th October 2022
Focussing with the Imagon
Clarification of the difficulties encountered when focussing with Imagon lenses
15th May 2022
Stitching images taken with non-shift lenses
New page with information and results of stitching images from non-shift Pentacon Six lenses via the Hartblei shift adapter
9th May 2022
More shift images for stitching
I have now added results from using a non-shift Mamiya 67 lens on the Hartblei shift and focussing adapter.  I also consider other options.
1st May 2022
Imagon soft-focus lenses
Addition of information on an article on Imagon lenses in the magazine PhotoDeal (at bottom of page)
20th April 2022
40-50mm wideangle lenses
Correction of apparent production years for Mir 69 lens.  Increase in text size and size of some images
16th April 2022
Imagon soft-focus lenses
Addition of information on and pictures of the Fujinon 4/85mm SF lens, plus a link to information on the Mamiya RZ67 180mm SOFT lens
13th April 2022
Introduction to the Hartblei RZ67-GFX system
A detailed introduction to the Hartblei options for using Pentacon Six and Mamiya RZ67 lenses on Fujifilm GFX medium format digital cameras via tubes and the shift adapter
12th April 2022
58mm Helios lens on the Fujifilm GFX camera
Addition of the results of tests of the 58mm Helios lens in the Zenit M42 mount, used on the larger format of the Fujifilm GFX camera
8th April 2022
Shift and tilt lens data
Clarification that the Hartblei 65mm Shift/Tilt lens was probably never offered in the Pentacon Six mount
6th April 2022
Pentacon Recruiting leaflet
This recruiting leaflet from 1976 gives interesting insights into the Pentacon company and life in East Germany.  Scroll down to 1976 to find it.
3rd April 2022
Stitching for a wider view
Equivalent focal lengths when stitching images together, compared with 6×6/6×7, 35mm “full frame” & GFX formats: addition of informative table
1st April 2022
Further results of lenses on the Fujifilm GFX
For comparison purposes, the results of tests with the Laowa 17mm lens and the Fujifilm 23mm lens have been added.
31st March 2022
Shooting images for stitching
Improved instructions received from an experienced user
30th March 2022
Using 35mm lenses on the Fujifilm GFX
A recommendation for a further lens, the Helios 44, and an explanation of the reduction in brightness at the corners images shot with the Arax 35mm shift lens
30th March 2022
Stitching images for panoramas and a wider view
New page on stitching images shot on the Pentacon Six and on the Fujifilm GFX digital camera
29th March 2022
Tests of Pentacon Six & M42 lenses on Hartblei adapters
New page giving the results of tests of using Pentacon Six and M42 lenses on Fujifilm GFX cameras, via Hartblei adapters, including to obtain shift operation
29th March 2022
Using Pentacon Six lenses on GFX cameras
Improved links and minor changes
29th March 2022
Digital 2022 update
Using Pentacon Six and M42 lenses on digital cameras and Hartblei adapters to enable use of Mamiya RB/RZ67 lenses on medium format digital cameras
17th March 2022
West German price list from May 1965
Addition of a West German Price List from May 1965, with full details of Praktisix lenses and accessories available at that time
4th March 2022
Tele-Noflexar being tested on a Hasselblad
Addition of a photograph of the Tele-Noflexar 50 cm lens being tested on a Hasselblad camera
18th February 2022
Novoflex factory
Addition of a photograph of Novoflex’s current factory (at bottom of page)
18th February 2022
Novoflex final assembly
Addition of a photograph of Novoflex final assembly and the factory in the 1960s
15th February 2022
Novoflex for Hasselblad?
Novoflex lenses and grips for Hasselblad and other Medium Format cameras without a focal plane shutter: a leaf shutter prototype, and mounts for other brands of Medium Format cameras
13th February 2022
TISPIGRIFF-U, the close-up grip for the Pentacon Six
Should the bellows rails for this grip run along the top of the grip or on one side?  A reconstruction of what almost certainly happened, with many new pictures.
12th February 2022
Novoflex 500mm Tele-Noflexar
More information on the 500mm Tele-Noflexar, and new photographs of it.
11th February 2022
Kilfitt Pan-Tele-Kilar
Addition of data sheet and price list from October 1961
2nd February 2022
Imagon History, Characteristics and Use
A new page with detailed information from Rodenstock on the history, characteristics and use of Imagon lenses
31st January 2022
Rodenstock Imagon
Addition of many images from Rodenstock, showing some of the possibilities of these lenses and why they were so loved by some photographers
30th January 2022
East German lens literature
Addition of information on a Meyer brochure from 1962
28th January 2022
Novoflex literature
This information is now expanded and gets its own page.
23rd January 2022
Addition of a more detailed report on this grip that enables the Novoflex lenses for the Praktisix and Pentacon Six to focus much closer
23rd January 2022
Novoflex PISTAR
Further information on and pictures of the Novoflex PISTAR lens collar (Some information that was originally on this page has now been moved to other pages.  See next two lines above.)
23rd January 2022
Using the NiSi filter system on Pentax 67 lenses
The special rings made for me by SRB for use with the NiSi square filter system also fit various Pentax 67 lenses that now fit one of my Pentacon Sixes
20th January 2022
Arsat 30mm MC lens
Addition of photographs taken with this lens
10th January 2022
Addition of further information on the Kiev 6C camera
9th January 2022
Pan-Tele Kilar Versions I – III
To mark the beginning of the 20th year of this website, I am uploading a new page on the three versions of the Pan-Tele Kilar lens
1st January 2022
Kiev 60 or Pentacon Six?
A signifcant upgrade to this page
1st November 2021
Metering Pentaprism exploded diagram
Addition of new, high-resolution images of the Pentacon Six TTL metering pentaprism exploded diagram
24th October 2021
Mounting Pentax 67 lenses on a Pentacon Six camera
Further helpful tips on now to make one of these adapter rings
21st October 2021
Digital versus analogue
Updated thoughts on this subject
18th October 2021
Exploded diagrams of the Pentacon Six
After days (!) of work on the phtographs of the camera diagram, I am able to upload a higher-contrast, higher-resolution copy, in two sizes.
10th September 2021
Camera Formats
New page with a brief introduction to different camera format sizes
6th September 2021
Exploded diagrams of the Pentacon Six
Improved images of the exploded diagram for the body uploaded
24th August 2021
A leaflet on the Praktisix II
Addition of a 1964 leaflet on the Praktisix II, reproduced here in full
18th August 2021
Various, especially cases
Improvements to layouts and links
3rd August 2021
Exploded diagrams of the Pentacon Six
Addition of exploded diagrams of the Pentacon Six and of its metering pentaprism
1st July 2021
More tests of Pentax 67 lenses on the Pentacon Six
Tests of the two Pentax 67 zoom lenses, the 300mm lens and also the 45mm, 100mm Macro and 105mm lenses and one of the 2× converters
17th June 2021
Tests of Pentax 67 lenses on the Pentacon Six
Tests of two wide-angle Pentax 67 lenses on the Pentacon Six, and on a Pentax 67II
14th June 2021
“aus Jena” export rings (see links to right)
Addition of further information on the use of the “aus Jena” designation on some Carl Zeiss lenses (here and here) and additional links to a picture that is to be found here.
8th March 2021
A Pentacon Six repairer in the UK
Addition of a repairer in Scotland, Cameratiks of Edinburgh, recommended in February 2021 by a visitor to this website who lives in Edinburgh
12th February 2021
Pentax 67
Major upgrade to this page, with addition of multiple images comparing this Pentax medium format camera with the Pentacon Six and the Exakta 66
4th February 2021
Benro tripod head spacer
Addition of an illustrated report on the Benro tripod spacer, which enables the Benro GD3WH geared drive tripod head to be mounted on a wider range of tripods.
19th January 2021
A hand grip for the Pentacon Six
A useful accessory for the Pentacon Six: a grip that improves the handling of the camera
6th January 2021
Ad for the Pentacon Six with TTL prism
Addition of a full-page advertisement from a USA photography magazine published in 1971.
5th January 2021
Rolf-Dieter Baier has closed down his specialist Pentacon Six camera company, while leaving the website pages up for information only.
22nd November 2020
Using Pentax 67 lenses on the Pentacon Six
We now know that it is possible to use Pentax 67 lenses on the Pentacon Six!  This new page tells how it can be done!
9th November 2020
300mm Tele-Kilar test results
Results of first tests using the 300mm Tele-Kilar with the Multi-Kilar 2×  –  4× variable converter.
8th November 2020
Lens brochures
Addition of information on a 1964 brochure from Carl Zeiss Jena on the new version of the 180mm Sonnar just released for the Praktisix
7th November 2020
Kilfitt Lens Data
Improvements to this page and some additional information
3rd November 2020
1000mm Zoomar Sport-Reflectar
First report on this exceptional and rare mirror lens
2nd November 2020
300mm Tele-Kilar lens
New report on this lens: using it on the Multi-Kilar for the Pentacon Six and using it on 35mm cameras via the Kilfitt M39-M42 adapter
1st November 2020
Novoflex bellows for the Kiev 88?
Novoflex manufactured bellows for the Hasselblad 1600F and 1000F, and these bellows may mount on the Salyut/Zenith 80/Kiev 80/Kiev 88.  The link goes to a new page on this.
24th July 2020
Noflexar N-200 lens
Addition of a report on the Novoflex N-200 lens (at the bottom of the page)
8th July 2020
Lens caps & camera body caps
New Pentacon Six camera body caps and lens caps reviewed
17th June 2020
Using the Praktisix in near-zero and sub-zero temperatures
Further information on the photograph on testing the performance of the Praktisix in extremely low temperatures
13th June 2020
Lenses for the Praktisix and Pentacon Six
Addition of a 1956 brochure from Meyer-Optik listing five lenses for the new Praktisix
11th June 2020
Using the Pentacon Six in near-zero & sub-zero temperatures Addition of further information on testing the Praktisix for use in cold environments
3rd June 2020
Using the Pentacon Six in near-zero & sub-zero temperatures
New page on precautions and limitations  – and how to overcome them!
18th May 2020
Should I store the Pentacon Six with the shutter cocked?
I have been asked this question many times, and have now added my answer to the Frequently-Asked Questions page.
12th May 2020
Labelling of Carl Zeiss Jena lenses
Addition of link to another page with information on this, here.
11th May 2020
Exakta 66 TTL prism
Minor improvements: it is not really practical to mount the Exakta 66 plain prism onto a Pentacon Six
4th May 2020
Pentacon Six repairers
Addition of a further repairer – with stocks of spare parts! – in Germany (see top of column one)
31st March 2020
New welcome message
New message in the light of the current Coronavirus epidemic in many countries
24th March 2020
55mm Super-Angulon on the Exakta 66
Addition of further picture of this lens from the 1986 (?) publicity brochure
16th March 2020
Praktisix IIA serial numbers A report of the sighting of a Praktisix IIA with the serial number 43569 results in the need to adjust the highest serial number for this camera up by less than 1.5% compared with the previous calculation. 27th January 2020
Book on Meyer-Optik / Pentacon lenses
New book on Meyer-Optik Görlitz by Rainer Appelt.  Details available here and here in English and here in German
4th December 2019
Depth of field with tilt lenses
Addition of new pictures taken with the Hartblei 45mm Super-Rotator shift/tilt lens.  Side-by-side comparison of tilt and non-tilt
1st November 2019
View camera movements with the Pentacon Six
A new page with information on “technical bellows” and “view cameras”, and how to obtain with a Pentacon Six the movements that they offer
30th October 2019
1959 West German price list
This lists the outfit available at the time, along with the recommended retail prices.  It includes prices for the Kilfitt 90mm Makro Kilar, the Kilfitt 300mm Pan-Tele-Kilar. 5th October 2019
1966 West German price list
This lists the full outfit available at the time, along with the recommended retail prices.  It includes prices for the Kilfitt 90mm Makro Kilar, the Kilfitt 300mm Pan-Tele-Kilar and the Enna 400mm Tele-Ennalyt.
4th October 2019
Using “square” filter systems with the Pentacon Six
A new page introducing the use of square and rectangular filter systems with the Pentacon Six and the Exakta 66 (with links to this page added from other relevant pages)
1st October 2019
Mir-69 45mm wide angle lens
Addition of a further picture taken with this lens, with appropriate commentary
28th September 2019
Meyer-Optik 250mm Telemegor
Addition of filter dimensions for this lens, by my measurement, not checked with a filter
27th September 2019
Enna 400mm Tele-Ennalyt

Tests with a 95mm × 1 ring just received from SRB show that the filter thread is 95mm with a pitch of 1.

27th September 2019
Rodenstock Imagon lenses
Minor corrections and improvements
22nd September 2019
Links to SRB Photographic
SRB have changed their web page address.  The links to them have been revised here and here.
15th September 2019
Size of 120mm Vega lens
Can the Pentacon Six camera case be closed when the 120mm Vega lens is mounted on the camera?  Here are the results of a careful study!
18th August 2019
Novoflex TISBIG–U
Addition of design dimensions for the Novoflex 6×6 pistol grip and the optional replacement bellows that permitted closer focussing, plus manufacturing numbers for these bellows
11th August 2019
“Focal length tolerance” Addition of Friedrich-W Voigt’s explanation of focal length tolerance at the design stage
5th August 2019
Novoflex minimum focussing distances; prices
Addition of the minimum focussing distances for the 240mm and 500mm Noflexar lenses when the Tispigriff-U is used instead of the standard grip, or the Tisbig-U is added to the standard grip, plus relevant prices in 1970
27th July 2019
Kilfitt Rapid-Focus-Tele-Zoomar
Addition of test pictures and an evaluation of the results
20th July 2019
Enna 400mm Tele-Ennalyt
Addition of a test picture taken with this lens, plus an evaluation of the result
20th July 2019
90mm Macro Zoomatar with Multi-Kilar
Addition of a test picture taken with the 90mm Macro Zoomatar, with the Multi-Kilar on 2.5× magnification
20th July 2019
Telemegor and Orestegor lenses
Addition of sample pictures taken with the 300mm Telemegor and Orestegor lenses and with the 400mm Telemegor
20th July 2019
Meyer-Optik lenses “Made in Germany” Addition of a sample picture taken with the 300mm lens, plus a link to a page with a picture taken with the 500mm lens
19th July 2019
Hartblei/Wiese 45mm Tilt/Shift lens
Addition of test pictures taken with the Wiese “Technoplan - T” version of the 45mm tilt/shift lens.
14th July 2019
Kilfitt Multi-Kilar: further tests
Addition of the results of further tests of the Multi-Kilar, at combinations of lenses and magnifications not previously covered.
14th July 2019
Makro Kilar / Macro Zoomatar
Probable date of Kilfitt brochure added
14th July 2019
400mm Tele-Ennalyt
Addition of lens diagram and information on the Enna Pocket Book
27th June 2019
Filters for Kilfitt Makro-Kilar
Confirmation from a Kilfitt brochure of the correct size of filters for the Makro Kilar (and subsequent Macro Zoomatar)
26th June 2019
The red window on the Pentacon Six TLs
More information on the siting of the red window on this camera, and the implications for the film used in it.
26th June 2019
How to recognise multi-coating
In response to a visitor request, some pictures of a multi-coated lens, to assist in determining if a given lens is multi-coated or not
26th June 2019
120mm Vega lens
Correction of one detail: the Pentacon Six ever-ready case can be closed with the Vega in place, provided that the Vega doesn’t have a standard-thickness UV filter fitted to it.
9th June 2019
Pentacon Six TLs
Additional information on size of film gate, and addition of further photographs and other information
6th June 2019
Viewfinder diopter correction lenses
Addition of information on using a diopter correction lens in the viewfinder eyecup
31st May 2019
Kilfitt Multi-Kilar test report
The results of tests with the Multi-Kilar, with detailed photographs
23rd May 2019
The 180mm Schneider Xenar tested
The results of tests with the Schneider 180mm Xenar lens on the Novoflex bellows, used with the Induro GIHH100CP tripod and the Benro GD3WH geared drive (bottom third of page)
28th April 2019
Berlebach and Benro compared
A comparison of the Berlebach UNI 14 tripod with the Benro Mach 3 TMA28C (scroll down)
19th April 2019
Using the Benro Geared Head on the Induro tripod
How to overcome problems and mount the Benro GD3WH geared head onto the Induro GIHH100CP low-level tripod (at the bottom of the page)
15th April 2019
Tripod heads
Addition of a review of the Benro Gear Drive 3-Way Head (GD3WH) (scroll down)
13th April 2019
Benro Quick-Release plate limitations
In my description of the Benro B3 ball head, I explained that their implemention of the Arca-Swiss Quick Release plate is only partially compatible with some other Arca-Swiss style mounts.  More details of this now added.
9th April 2019
Tripods for low-level photography
A new page with information on some options for tripods and ball heads for photography very near to ground level
3rd April 2019
Serial numbers for the Hanimex Praktica 66
A slightly lower serial number has been reported for a Hanimex Praktica 66.  Serial number data adjusted accordingly
29th March 2019
Third “foot” for the Pentacon Six
Sources for a possible third “foot” for the Pentacon Six
29th March 2019
Schneider-Kreuznach 180mm Xenar lens
Details and pictures added of this lens and the Novoflex adapter for using it on bellows with the Pentacon Six mount
18th March 2019
Kilfitt Multi-Kilar lens converter
A totally new page, with comprehensive information on the extraordinary Kilfitt Multi-Kilar lens converter
11th March 2019
A further book on Novoflex
Addition of information on “Makro Fotografie und die superschnellen Tele – Das Neue Novoflex Buch”, by Harald Zeyss. 3rd March 2019
150mm Xenar on Novoflex bellows
The results of macro and infinity tests with the Schneider 150mm Xenar lens supplied by Novoflex with their Praktisix/Pentacon Six bellows
2nd March 2019
Kilfitt 500mm Sport Reflectar test results
An illustrated report on test results with two versions of this lens
6th February 2019
Kilfitt 500mm Sport Reflectar
The different versions of the Kilfitt/Zoomar 500mm Sport Reflectar mirror lens: information and pictures added.
6th February 2019.
Kilfitt serial numbers
Addition of information on the format of Kilfitt/Zoomar serial numbers
6th February 2019
Results of tests with the 240mm Noflexar lens
Results added of tests with the Novoflex 240mm rapid-focus lens
5th February 2019
Results of tests with the 500mm Noflexar lens
Results added of tests with the Novoflex 500mm rapid-focus lens
5th February 2019
Conversion of the 40mm Zenzanon lens
Addition of details of the conversion process, along with photographs of this from the specialist technician who carried out the work.
3rd February 2019
The effect of using a shift lens
Two additional pictures at the bottom of the page to show the effect of using full shift on the 55mm Arsat shift lens, contrasted with using no shift at all.
22nd January 2019
Names of camera parts
Addition of links to images of camera top locking pin and button (here and here)
3rd January 2019
Camera body top caps
Addition of pictures and text on camera body top caps to the page on camera body front caps and lens rear caps
3rd January 2019
40mm Curtagon pictures
Addition of further pictures taken with the possibly-unique 40mm Schneider-Kreuznach Curtagon lens
2nd January 2019
Review of 40mm lenses
A detailed description of a one-off modification of a Bronica Zenzanon-S lens to Pentacon Six mount, along with the results of comparative tests of the lens and the 40mm Curtagon
1st January 2019
Novoflex bellows
More information on the Novoflex bellows and the Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar lenses that were available from Novoflex, with suitable adapter rings.
28th December 2018
Novoflex bellows focussing slide lock
Further study of the Novoflex bellows focussing slide reveals that it is lockable.  The appropriate reference here has therefore been corrected.
28th December 2018
Early advertisements for the Praktisix
Addition of a 1957 ad in a West German magazine and a 1965 ad in an American magazine
25th December 2018!
Pentacon Six/Exakta 66 repairs in the USA
Positive report received today of repairs by Leonid Treskunov of two Exakta 66 (1984-2000) cameras 10th December 2018
Kiev 88CM
Further information on the Kiev 88CM, along with improved pictures of it
26th November 2018
Wiese 45mm shift-only lens test results
Addition of pictures taken with this lens, also indicating the consequences of shifting the lens further than is recommended for 6 × 6 format
17th October 2018
Use a wider lens or a shift lens?
A new page comparing wide-angle non-shift and shift images, and explaining the concept of “Residual Perspective”
14th October 2018
The Schneider-Kreuznach Super-Angulon PCS lens
Addition of photographs of this super-rare shift and tilt lens.
4th October 2018
Is a faulty Pentacon Six worth repairing?
New answer on FAQ page: The Pentacon Six that I have bought is faulty.  What should I do?  (Answer currently at bottom of second F.A.Q. column – or click the link in the first column here)
2nd October 2018
Reviews of the Praktisix/Pentacon Six
Addition of a 1962 review of the Praktisix in the British photographic monthly magazine, “Practical Photography”
19th September 2018
New information on Arsat 45mm shift lens
Results of tests with this lens
11th September 2018
Shift lenses: how wide do you need?
Addition of pictures and text, comparing a 40mm non-shift lens with a 45mm shift lens (about half way down the page)
10th September 2018
Literature on the Pentacon Six
A major new section on books, publicity by manufacturers and distributors, ads and reviews  (There are as yet no links from elsewhere on the website, but some will be added soon.)
24th August 2018
Using filters with the Makro Kilar / Macro Zoomatar
A new section on this page shows the ingenious Kilfitt method for using filters with this lens
6 August 2018
Fungus in lenses
What it looks like, how it got there, and how to remove it
5 August 2018
Whole website
Intensity of background images reduced (in response to visitor request), to improve legibility of text.
30 July 2018
Lens mount compatibility
Minor revisions and improvements to this page and to references to FSU lens mounts on some other pages.
7 July 2018
Correction of detail of Novoflex pistol grip
The pistol grip in many of the Novoflex lens photographs on this website contains a tripod clamp that was not original to the lens
18 June 2018
Novoflex Tele-Noflexar 500mm lens
Addition of a publicity photograph from the Novoflex company archive 18 June 2018
Maximum aperture of the 500mm Tele-Noflexar
The revised designation of the maximum aperture of this lens, as stated in the second edition of Gabler’s book on the Novoflex system (just below half way down the page)
18 June 2018
Novoflex 240mm fast-focus lens
Addition of a publicity photograph from the Novoflex company archive and information on the chest and shoulder support
18 June 2018
Novoflex bellows
Addition of a publicity photograph from the Novoflex company archive, plus additional information on the copying attatchment
18 June 2018
“Z” or “3”? Further information on the designation of the 600mm Soviet mirror lens
6 February 2018
SLR and Twin Lens Reflex cameras
Why is the Pentacon Six called a “Single Lens Reflex”?  Including cut-away shots of a Praktisix.
1 January 2018
Image quality with mobile phones
Addition of an explanation of differences between the resolution obtained with a good, modern mobile phone, and what is normal with the Pentacon Six
25 November 2017
Differential focus and bokeh
Addition of two photographs to illustrate this, along with an explanation
20 November 2017
150mm Kaleinar lens
Further comments based on using this lens “in the field”, and a sample picture taken with it
1 October 2017
150mm Hartblei lens
Addition of further information on this lens, and link to a page with a picture taken with the 150mm Kaleinar on which it is based
1 October 2017
Extension tubes instructions
Links to extension tubes and exposure corrections added to the Instructions page
21 September 2017
Using extension tubes
Substantial improvements to this page, with more information that will be helpful when using extension tubes
20 September 2017
Exposure factors
Addition of a detailed explanation of “exposure prolongation factors”.  This should make everything much clearer!
18 September 2017
Further information on this camera and extra pictures of it
12 September 2017
Arsat MC lens
Addition of text on ARSAT Multi-Coated lenses, and a picture of the ARSAT version of the 45mm Mir-26B
4 September 2017
1.4× converters and the “C” mount designation
Addition of photographs of two 1.4× converters from ARSAT, one of them with the new mount designation “C”
29 August 2017
The Pentacon Six lens mount
A major re-write of this page, with new photographs to show the difference between the Pentacon Six and Salyut/Kiev 88 lens mounts
19 August 2017
Hartblei 45mm shift lens test
Results of a detailed test of the Hartblei 45mm shift-only lens
17 August 2017
Biometar at closest focussing distance
Addition of a spontaneous shot taken with the 80mm Biometar at its closest focussing distance, mounted on a Pentacon Six
16 August 2017
The effect of using a 2× converter
New images added to show the effect of using a 2× converter, plus other minor improvements to the text on this page.
15 August 2017
Arsat 45mm shift lens
A new report on the Arsat 45mm shift lens.  Links on other related pages added.  Some editing of related pages to minimise repetition.
13 August 2017
These special bellows permit much closer focussing with the Novoflex Medium Format lenses.  Addition of superb photographs, courtesy of Novoflex
28 June 2017
Major new page on filters for Pentacon Six lenses, with an introduction to the use of filters and many illustrations
3 May 2017
Makro-Kilar & Macro Zoomatar
Major expansion of this page with much more information and many new pictures
24 April 2017
Depth of field in macro photography
Sample pictures of depth of field with the 80mm Biometar used for macro photography.
22 April 2017
Kilfitt lenses for Norita cameras
New information on the availability of Kilfitt/Zoomar lenses in the Norita 66 mount
12 April 2017
Using the Pentacon Six bellows
Links to new video added on the bellows page (see 1st column), the instructions page, the macro page, the macro examples page and elsewhere
12 April 2017
Kilfitt lens and camera mounts
Explanation of the Kilfitt lens and camera mount systems and introduction to the codes of interest to those using Pentacon Six and Praktisix cameras.
12 April 2017
Video on Pentacon Six bellows
New video uploaded on how to use the Pentacon Six bellows.  See video here: 10 April 2017
Tilt lens tests
Changed link to next section now directs to the introduction to macro photography
24 February 2017
Introduction to macro photography
Improved description of how the amount of light reaching the film is affected by the use of extension tubes and bellows
24 February 2017
Pentacon Six lenses on Pentax 6×7?
Improved link (here) to the answer to the question “Is it possible to modify Pentacon Six lenses so that they can be used on the Pentax 6×7?”
18 February 2017
Russian lenses, especially the Tair
Additional link to results of Tair test plus minor formatting improvements on this page and also here.  Plus addition of improved links between lens data pages.
8 February 2017
Why development stopped
More information on the decade of technical progress in East Germany (and the USSR!) and when and why it stopped
6 January 2017
The Kiev 90
Minor corrections and improvements
6 January 2017
Focussing screens
Addition of a link to a further supplier of the Kiev Screen for the Pentacon Six, Zhanna, who trades as “Grizzly33bear”
6 January 2017
Radioactive lenses
Some suggested avenues for investigating the safe disposal of radioactive lenses
28 December 2016
Link on Instructions page
Corrected link for point 11 (Finding the serial number)
25 December 2016
Lenses for the Norita
Information received that the Kilfitt Macro/Makro-Kilar 90mm lens was available in the Norita mount.
13 December 2016
80mm Biometars
Correction to statement concerning which were the last 80mm Biometars to be completed in the original Pentacon Six style.
18 October 2016
600mm mirror lens
Much more information on the different versions of this lens, plus many new photographs of it.
19 August 2016
120mm Imagon
Information on and pictures of 120mm Rodenstock Imagon added
9 Auguat 2016
Format, focal length & focus
Addition of some illustrations to this page
5 August 2016
Format, focal length & focus
A new page explaining the relationship between format and focal length, and the consequences for depth of field in images
2 August 2016
Checking a camera for shutter faults
New link from the instructions index to a page describing a faulty shutter
23 July 2016
Kilfitt zoom lenses
Information added on a further Kilfitt / Zoomar zoom lens for the Pentacon Six, plus details of a book on Kilfitt/Zoomar
13 May 2016
Rodenstock Imagon lenses
A detailed report on the Rodenstock Imagon 150mm soft-focus lens
11 May 2016
Macro photography
Page greatly expanded with many more images, showing the effects of using extension tubes, bellows and close-up filters
10 May 2016
Is my lens radioactive?
Answer to a visitor’s question about radioactive lenses
2 May 2016
Hartblei 45mm Shift/Tilt lens
A full description of the Hartblei 45mm shift lens with tilt-down facility (in this case re-badged with the Wiese name), with many new illustrations
30 April 2016
Requirements of tilt lenses
More information on desirable characteristics of tilt lenses, and more information on the Hartblei Super-Rotator 45mm Tilt/Shift lens
30 April 2016
Requirements of shift lenses
More information added on the characteristics and requirements of shift lenses
30 April 2016
Kiev focussing screens for the Pentacon Six
Where to buy the Kiev focussing screen for the Pentacon Six
20 April 2016
Hartblei shift & shift/tilt lenses
Extra information and numerous extra photos of the three Hartblei 45mm shift and shift/tilt lenses
18 April 2016
How close can I get?
Illustrated answer to the question "How close can I get with the close-up accessories", showing the effects of using the auto tubes and some other items
7 April 2016
"Made in Germany"
How the country of origin was indicated on photographic equipment and literature produced in East Germany between 1945 and 1990.
29 March 2016
Conversion factors with different formats
The answer to two, related questions: "What do I see when I use a Pentacon Six lens on my 35mm camera?" and "What is the crop factor with Pentacon Six lenses on APS-C-sized sensors?"
16 March 2016
How to choose the best viewfinder and focussing screen - a response to a question by a visitor to the website
15 March 2016
Novoflex C for medium format
NOVOFLEX brochure on the C-Grip 400mm lens for medium format cameras + pictures of books by Richard Hünecke
11 March 2016
Novoflex C & D versions
Information on medium format cameras that could be used with this newer fast-focus system
9 March 2016
Novoflex books and lenses
Information added on books on the NOVOFLEX system, and on developments of NOVOFLEX lenses and bellows
9 March 2016
Information on French Novoflex book
The French edition of the Novoflex Taschenbuch (Pocketbook), the "Livre de Poche Novoflex"
8 March 2016
Minimum focus with Novoflex lenses
Illustration and explanation of the use of special bellows with Novoflex follow-focus lenses
8 March 2016
Novoflex lenses
Additional pictures of the Novoflex Fast-Focus lens system
8 March 2016
Novoflex lenses for Norita
Information added on the availability of the Novoflex Medium Format lenses for the Norita camera
8 March 2016
Rodenstock Imagon
Addition of reference to a further Imagon lens, with a focal length of 150mm
16 February 2016
Kilfitt lens data
Additional information on Kilfitt lenses
16 February 2016
Hartblei shift new photo
Additional picture of the Hartblei 45mm shift lens, plus further explanation of the characteristics of the Hartblei 45mm Super-Rotator lens
5 February 2016
Revised links on lens data page
Improvements to links on lens data page, and associated links between pages, so that you don't miss any pages
5 February 2016
Kilfitt/Zoomar lenses for Norita/Rittreck
Information on Kilfitt/Zoomar lenses that were available with the Norita/Rittreck mount
5 February 2016
Rittreck/Warner 66 vs. Norita/Graflex Norita
Interesting new information on differences between these cameras
24 January 2016
Small, specialist manufacturers
Over the past 25 years, some remarkable lenses for the Pentacon Six have appeared.  Where did they come from?
18 January 2016
Further Wiese shift lenses
Information on different versions of the Wiese 45mm shift lens
18 January 2016
Wiese Pentasix cameras
Information on two types of "Pentasix" cameras from Wiese, including a detailed review of one of them
18 January 2016
Wiese 45mm shift lens
Detailed report on a 45mm PCS shift lens from Wiese Fototechnik, Hamburg
16 January 2016
Wiese 45mm shift lens
First confirmation of existence of a 45mm shift lens from Wiese in Hamburg
15 January 2016
"Mystery" 2× converter
Report on further 2× converter for the Pentacon Six -- perhaps a "home-made" or "informal enterprise" item.
15 January 2016
"Mystery" focussing screen
Information on (and pictures of) a further focussing screen for the Pentacon Six (scroll down)
15 January 2016
Compatibility problems
More information on compatibility problems with various lenses, and improved links to other information on this subject elsewhere on this website.
1 January 2016
Improved links
Improved links to many pages, especially those concerning lens data
30 December 2015
Lens shades
Minor improvements to details on two of the lens shade pages, here and here.
30 December 2015
Camera case
Information on the Pentacon Six camera case expanded and moved to a new location.  Improved links to it and from it to other pages.
28 December 2015
Pentacon Six or digital
Detailed revision and update to comparison with digital cameras
21 November 2015
Pentacon in Italy
Why were cameras from communist countries so popular in post-war Italy?  The answer, plus information on, and pictures of, some special P-6 and Pentacon cameras
3 October 2015
Four new German articles added
More "PHOTO Deal" articles on the Praktisix and Pentacon Six (written in German)
6 September 2015
Additional information on the rarely-seen 250mm f/3.5 "Soviet" Telear-4B, plus pictures of it
1 September 2015
Petzvar test results
Report on tests of the Ivanichek Petzvar lens on the Pentacon Six
14 August 2015
Strap connectors
Correction of typographical error
10 August 2015
ZM-3B filter size
Correction of information on filter size for this lens
5 August 2015
65mm Flektogon
A picture taken with a "zebra" 65mm Flektogon, plus comments on it (at the bottom of the page in this link)
28 July 2015
FAN-1 wide-angle converter
A detailed review of this rarely-seen wide-angle converter
27 July 2015
Using the Kilfitt Macro-Kilar
Examples of images obtainable with the 90mm Macro (or "Makro") Kilar at its closest-focussing distance, compared with the 80mm Biometar (scroll down)
26 July 2015
Depth of field and bokeh
Example images added to show the effect of changing the lens aperture
22 June 2015
Export versions
Additional information on export versions of the Praktisix and Pentacon Six (TL)
12 March 2015
Novoflex 240mm Noflexar
Additional information on this lens and picture of a different example of the lens
8 March 2015
Pentacon extension tubes
Further information and additional pictures of Pentacon medium-format tubes, here and here.
8 March 2015
Jupiter 36B new lens shade
Addition of a close-up picture of the new-design lens shade
8 March 2015
Jupiter 36B re-design
Redesign of the Jupiter 36B 250mm lens and of its lens hood (see also here for problems with the original design)
5 March 2015
Ivanichek Petzvar
A report on a totally new lens in Pentacon Six mount
5 March 2015
Steinheil lenses
A report that some Steinheil lenses were offered with Praktisix mount, and possible information on such lenses
28 February 2015
Pentacon Six TLs Serial Numbers
Range of serial numbers of this camera extended, following discovery of one of these cameras with a lower serial number (scroll down)
21 February 2015
The history of the cameras
This section has been on the website for several years, but with few links from elsewhere on the website.
Click on the link to the left to start at the very beginning or here for more information on specific cameras, and follow the links from there.
21 February 2015
Using a 2× converter Clarification added on 28th January now also included on the page about teleconverters
30 January 2015
Using a 2× converter
Clarification of the effect on the minimum focussing distance of adding a converter.
28 January 2015
Apertures & shutter speeds
Answer to the question "What if the shutter speed and aperture numbers don't line up on the meter?"  (Additional information on this page)
27 January 2015
Novoflex minimum focussing distances
More information on minimum focussing distances for the Noflexar 240mm and 500mm lenses, and details of an English-language book on Novoflex
26 January 2015
Lens data and further tests
Improved link to lenses from other manufacturers
26 January 2015
Close-up in square composition
Standard lens, bellows at minimum extension, hand-held, no prism on the camera, but what results!  (Look for the rose!)
19 January 2015
80mm Biometar resolution
Additional pictures showing the resolution of the Carl Zeiss standard lens for the Pentacon Six (scroll to bottom of page).
19 January 2015
Youtube problems
Problems accessing comments and questions posted on Youtube.  Solution: e-mail me via this website.
3 December 2014
Adapting lenses to the Pentacon Six
How to attach old lenses for medium and larger format cameras to the Pentacon Six (also listed as a new question on the Frequently-Asked Questions page, here)
4 October 2014
Serial numbers
Minor changes to the page in this link, but also addition on that page of a new link to a major page on camera body serial numbers
19 September 2014
Standard lens test
Improvements to details on this page and links from it.  Given the many versions of the Biometar, I no longer use the designation "Mk II" and "Mk III".
22 June 2014
86-95mm filters
New information on 86-95mm filters for Flektogon lenses
19 June 2014
Repairer in Warsaw
Addition of a repair workshop in Warsaw
28 March 2014
Rubinar lens test results
Improved link to test results (plus improved links and minor corrections on some other pages)
28 March 2014
Flash sync speeds
Flash sync at ALL speeds with the Pentacon Six
17 January 2014
Foto-Service Olbrich
New e-mail address for Foto-Service Olbrich, who can still service and repair your cameras and lenses
3 January 2014
Novoflex lenses
Novoflex lenses are called Noflexar, Tele-Noflexar, etc.  Corrections and other improvements here, here, here and here.
31 December 2013
Checking a Pentacon Six
Further information and pictures to help you check a Pentacon Six
21 October 2013
Checking a Pentacon Six
How to check a Pentacon Six prior to purchase, including links to two new Video tutorials 19 October 2013
Spacing comparison Typical Pentacon Six frame spacing compared with Hasselblad frame spacing (scroll down) 21 April 2013
Various Minor corrections and improved links, for instance, to the pages on the 40mm Curtagon 15 April 2013
Bokeh with the Biometar How does the 80mm Biometar perform at wide apertures and what sort of boken (out-of-focus highlights) does it produce?  Here are some answers. 12 April 2013
Repair & Service manual On-line source for repair and service manual no longer works (not part of this website).  Manual still available from other source given. 10 March 2013
Photo rucksack sold Link removed 10 March 2013
Articles in German Articles in German on Pentacon-Six-mount cameras and lenses 2 March 2013
Photo rucksack for sale High-capacity Tamrac Rolling Photo Backpack for sale 3 January 2013
Is the Pentacon Six too big? The Pentacon Six compared with a full frame 35mm digital camera 2 January 2013
More on focussing screens Pictures of the remaining GDR Pentacon Six screens, and additional pictures of the Exakta 66 Rollei screen 1 January 2013
Variogon “MF” or “M”? Detail concerning the lens designation of these Schneider lenses for the Exakta 66 1 January 2013
Kiev 88CM mount problems Incompatibility between Carl Zeiss Jena 1000mm mirror lens and the Kiev 88CM camera.  See more information here. 1 January 2013
What’s the best aperture & shutter speed? Explanation of how to choose the best aperture and shutter speed for your outfit and the photo that you are about to create 24 December 2012
Metering with the Pentacon Six How to meter with the Pentacon Six: page upgrade plus addition of three Video tutorials 23 December 2012
Repairers for the Pentacon Six Barcelona workshop no longer able to repair the Pentacon Six, but Kameraservice Ostkreuz in Berlin recommended! 23 December 2012
Another zoom lens for the Pentacon Six Introductory information on a further zoom lens for the Pentacon Six 17 December 2012
Digital photography revisited With the constant advances in digital photography, I have re-written much of this page to reflect the current situation. 17 December 2012
120mm Biometar sold Lens sold - link removed 17 December 2012
150mm Kaleinar dimensions Dimensions corrected, following measurement by me (it is actually fractionally smaller than the size given in the manufacturer’s data). 16 December 2012
Other Lenses Improvements to page on lenses from other manufacturers, including reference to lenses from Foto Wiese in Hamburg 15 December 2012
Body caps & lens back caps New page added: camera body caps and lens back caps, illustrated and explained. If you have a second body or more than one lens, you need to read this. 14 December 2012
Hartblei lens summary Improved links to information on Hartblei lenses (linked from the Lensdata page) 14 December 2012
Hartblei 150mm lens A report on the 150mm Hartblei lens 13 December 2012
Hartblei 2× converter A report on the Hartblei 2× converter 13 December 2012
Arsenal close-up tubes Information on and pictures of Arsenal manual close-up tubes 12 December 2012
Sony SEL55210 sold Lens sold - link removed 28 November 2012
Sony SEL55210 lens for sale In a one-off for this website, an opportunity to buy a Sony zoom lens for the NEX series of digital cameras.  Not to be repeated. 16 October 2012
120mm Biometar lens for sale An opportunity to buy the hard-to-find 120mm Biometar in beautiful condition 16 October 2012
Improved links to video tutorials You can now find in one place links to all the video tutorials. 16 October 2012
Resumption of servicing by Pentacon Dresden Pentacon Six and Exakta 66 servicing, repairs and upgrades from Pentacon Service in Dresden 16 October 2012
Flektogon lenses for sale Other Flektogon sold.  Currently no other items for sale, but I do plan to sell some more items in the future.  Please check back on this website regularly. 10 October 2012
Flektogon lenses for sale One Flektogon sold, the other "under offer" 9 October 2012
Pentacon Six TL for sale Camera sold in less than 24 hours!  Lenses still available (see link two lines lower) 2 October 2012
Pentacon Six TL for sale A rare opportunity to buy a new Pentacon Six TL 1 October 2012
Flektogon lenses for sale A chance to buy a choice of 50mm Carl Zeiss Flektogon wide-angle lenses in excellent condition 1 October 2012
MLU upgrade options Following the suspension by Pentacon Service of upgrade facilities for the Pentacon Six and Exakta 66, the MLU offered by Baierfoto appears to be the only one available at the present time. 25 September 2012
Suspension of servicing by Pentacon Dresden Following the unexpected death of Jürgen Frenzel, their Pentacon Six and Exakta 66 specialist, Pentacon Service in Dresden have temporarily suspended repairs of these cameras. 25 September 2012
Wideangle lens test link Links added between the second page of wide-angle lens tests and the page on Flektogon lenses with spots in them 23 August 2012
Lens design changes Addition of picture of two 120mm Biometar lenses, including a lens from one of the last batches of lenses produced in 1990. 23 August 2012
Filters in the Sport Reflectar Picture added showing the filter wheel removed from the Kilfitt/Zoomar 500mm Sport-Reflectar lens. 23 August 2012
White dots in Flektogon lenses Addition of photo showing two 50mm Flektogon lenses, one with white dots, one without. 23 August 2012

Item Detail Date uploaded
White dots in Flektogon lenses Answer to the question, “Should I be worried about white dots in my Flektogon lens?” 22 August 2012
Some advantages of square composition Examples of horizontal and vertical images generated from one square frame (at bottom of page) 21 August 2012
Are double exposures possible? How to achieve the effect of double exposures with images taken with the Pentacon Six 21 August 2012
Repairers in the USA Feedback on the work of Stanislav Studzinskiy of Petersburg, NY, correction of the spelling of his name, plus his full address 21 July 2012
Minor improvements Improved links and minor corrections to some pages 8 July 2012
Eddy Smolov Eddy has informed a regular client of his that he is still not accepting equipment for repair, while he seeks medical treatment. 8 July 2012
Website & e-mail for repairer in Spain Website and e-mail address for repairer in Spain added 28 May 2012
Repairer in Spain Details of a repairer in Spain recommended by a Spanish visitor to this website 27 May 2012
Kilfitt/Zoomar 500mm Sport-Reflectar Another brand new page with a report on and many pictures of this mirror lens  13 May 2012
170-320mm Zoomar lens A totally new page with a report on and many pictures of this rare zoom lens 22 April 2012
500mm Tele-Novoflexar Minimum focussing distance and other information added for this lens 22 April 2012
240mm Novoflexar Minimum focussing distance and minimum aperture with this lens added 22 April 2012
Kiev focussing screen A review of a focussing screen from Kiev 2 April 2012
Pentacon Six TL for sale Camera sold. Details and link removed. 15 March 2012
Magnifier head on Exakta 66 Pictures of the Pentacon Six magnifier head on the Exakta 66, plus further information. 7 March 2012
Pentacon Six TL sold Camera received from Tom Page sold. 6 March 2012
Pentacon Six TL for sale Pentacon Six TL just serviced by Tom Page with guarantee from him 5 March 2012
Magnifier head on Exakta 66 In answer to an enquiry, yes, the Pentacon Six magnfier head does fit on Exakta 66 cameras.  See page for further details. 5 March 2012
Repairers I have learnt today with regret that repairer Jerry Sorin has passed away.  Page modified accordingly. 28 February 2012
Magnifier Head Details added of the view of the focussing screen when the Magnifier Head is used 28 February 2012
Link from 30mm review Broken link from this page to Russian and Ukrainian lens data page repaired 3 February 2012
500mm Tele-Novoflexar Value given of the minimum aperture on the 500mm Tele-Novoflexar lens 2 February 2012
Tele-Ennalyt 400mm lens Pictures added to description of the Tele-Ennalyt 400mm lens, plus some improvements to the description 2 February 2012
Schneider 2× converter Further information on the Schneider-Kreuznach 2× tele-converter 27 January 2012
MKPG definition confirmed Confirmation from Exakta 66 Technical Data sheet of the exact correct meaning of the screen name MKPG 27 January 2012
Exakta 66 WLF  lenses Confirmation of the full range of dioptre correction lenses for the Exakta 66 waist-level-finder 27 January 2012
500mm Tele-Novoflexar More detailed description and pictures of 500mm Tele-Novoflexar lens (test results to follow later) 27 January 2012
240mm Novoflexar More detailed description and pictures of 240mm Novoflexar lens (test results to follow later) 27 January 2012
Lens tests Improved links to lens tests 23 January 2012
150mm Tele-Xenar lens hood Addition of pictures of the correct lens hood or shade for the 150mm Schneider Tele-Xenar lens 16 January 2012
MKPG definition Probable origin of the Exakta 66 focussing screen name MKPG 16 January 2012
Lenses from other manufacturers Substantial additional information on lenses for the Praktisix/Pentacon Six from a wide range of manufacturers 12 January 2012
Enna Tele-Ennalyt Initial information on this 400mm lens (pictures and test report to follow) 12 January 2012
Lens data Improved ordering of lens data pages, improved links, and some additional data (some pages under construction) 12 January 2012
Special pressure plate Information on the special pressure plate required for use with photographic glass plates in the Praktisix/Pentacon Six 2 January 2012
Exakta 66 waist-level finder Picture of Exakta 66 waist-level finder on Pentacon Six body and of Exakta 66 WLF lenses 2 January 2012
Exakta 66 standard focussing screen Picture of Exakta 66 Mk I standard focussing screen, and picture of waist-level finder lenses 2 January 2012
Mount for prism accessories Addition of pictures and text clarifying which accessory mount is required to attach to Pentacon Six and Exakta 66 prisms 26 December 2011
Accessory shoe Additional photograph of the Pentacon accessory shoe, showing the mounting thread for attaching it to the prism eyepiece 26 December 2011
Repairers Changes to the list of repairers. 26 December 2011
Other strap options Other strap lug possibilities with the Pentacon Six: advantages and limitations 18 December 2011
The Pentacon Accessory Shoe Confirmation that the Pentacon accessory shoe screws into the thread in the eyepiece of Pentacon Six prisms 27 November 2011
Setting the aperture on a pre-set lens An alternative way of setting the aperture on a Meyer-Optik or Pentacon pre-set lens: addition of a new Video tutorial 23 November 2011
Flektogon 65mm lens Further details on styles and dates of production of the 65mm Flektogon lenses 21 November 2011
Aperture control ring Picture of the Pentacon aperture control ring added to the extension tubes page (existing link goes to detailed description on bellows page). 8 November 2011
Diopter magnifiers for the Exakta WLF There is a range of magnifier lenses to match the  Exakta 66 waist level finder to the user’s eyesight. 8 November 2011
Using a Kiev 60 finder on the Pentacon Six Restrictions on using a Kiev 60 waist level finder on a Pentacon Six 8 November 2011
Clarification of installation details (when changing focussing screens)  Checked with Tom Page, to be sure it’s right! 8 November 2011
How to change focussing screens Brief instructions on how to change focussing screens in the Pentacon Six 5 November 2011
Focussing screens A new page with much more detail on focussing screens 5 November 2011
Repairers in the USA Update on Eddy Smolov and contact details for a further Pentacon Six repairer 7 October 2011
Pentax 67 lens to Pentacon Six adapter Disappointing news that infinity focus would not be possible when using Pentax 67 lenses on the Pentacon Six via the proposed adapter 16 September 2011
Strap connectors for the Pentacon Six A detailed review of a thorough test of stap connectors for the Pentacon Six from Op/Tech USA and Baierfoto 11 September 2011
Beroflex accessory shoe Pictures of the Beroflex accessory shoe added, with comments 8 September 2011
Attaching accessories to the prism The starting-point to find details of how to attach accessories to Pentacon Six and Exakta 66 prisms 8 September 2011
Accessory shoes Further details and pictures of prism accessory shoes and a picture of the eyesight correction lens retaining ring. 7 September 2011
Prism attachments interface Make sure that you have the right connection on the angle finder or magnifying attachment (focussing telescope). 3 September 2011
Viewfinders & Differential Focus Further considerations of digital cameras compared with the Pentacon Six (scroll down) 30 August 2011
The East German Fresnel screen Close up pictures of this focussing screen, and additional information on it 22 July 2011
Pentacon Six straps Straps available for the Pentacon Six, including a review of Baierfoto’s straps and clips, and the Op/Tech USA Dual Harness 20 July 2011
Exakta 66 metering prism Much more detail on how the Exakta 66 TTL metering pentaprism works 17 July 2011
Sample variation Sample variation of quality with Soviet lenses (about half way down the page) 16 July 2011
Pentax 67 lens adapter A possible source for an adapter to mount Pentax 67 lenses onto the Pentacon Six 15 July 2011
Setting the aperture on a pre-set lens How to set the aperture on a Meyer-Optik or Pentacon pre-set lens Video tutorial 9 July 2011
Spacing test video I have now made and uploaded a video showing you how to do a spacing test without having to process a film.   Video tutorial 6 July 2011
80mm Volna/Arsat lenses Light leak problems with the 80mm Volna/Arsat lens.  (Scroll down) 29 June 2011
Typical frame spacing Addition of a picture showing a whole film, to give an indication of the sort of spacing that you should expect to obtain with a Pentacon Six 27 May 2011
Feedback on repairer in Petersburg, NY Detailed feedback on this repairer, whose details were only added to this website last month 10 April 2011
A repairer in Petersburg, NY, USA Contact details for a specialist in cameras and lenses from the former Soviet Union 24 March 2011
Video: how to load the Pentacon Six I have made a video showing how to load the Pentacon Six.  Read my loading page and then view the video.   Video tutorial 24 March 2011
Panoramic pictures with the Pentacon Six Improvements to the description and explanation, plus comparisons with the Hasselblad XPAN panoramic camera. 12 March 2011
Lodz repairer contact details A telephone number for the repairer in Lodz, Poland, plus more information about the service offered and the prices 12 March 2011
Dead pixels and the move to film Another problem with a top digital camera - and the move “back” to film - or the move to film for the first time! 12 March 2011
Pentacon Six repairer in Poland A recommendation just received for a repairer in Lodz, Poland 27 February 2011
Pentacon Six TL for sale For sale: Just one late-production Pentacon Six TL, fully-refurbished and upgraded by Pentacon Dresden in January 2011 20 February 2011
NY repairer new contact details New contact details for Eddie Smolov in Brooklyn, New York 13 February 2011
Focal plane shutters Explanation of the difference between focal plane and leaf shutters, and how flash works on the Pentacon Six 13 February 2011
“Norita” or “Norita 66”? Confused about its identity?  What to call this camera 3 February 2011
Tele-Novoflexar 500mm lens Picture of this lens added 29th January 2011
Zeiss design changes Minor improvements, plus further information and a major additional picture. 27th January 2011
80mm lenses for the Praktisix Corrections and additions to the information on these lenses 27th January 2011
Zeiss design changes Addition of picture of a 1959 Biometar, with appropriate information. 19th January 2011
Zeiss design changes Improved picture of the “bumpy ring” lens design, and improvements to the text. 15 January 2011
Link from Repairers page Broken link to report on Foto-Service Olbrich repaired 15 January 2011
Praktisix II Reply to the question, “Should I buy a Praktisix II?” 9 January 2011
Pentacon Service e-mail address A newer e-mail address for Pentacon-Service in Dresden.  Also listed here. 6 January 2011
The faulty part with the Pentacon Six Why do some people have problems with the Pentacon Six, when others don’t? 6 January 2011
80mm “Exakta” lens Conclusive evidence of the design of the 80mm “Exakta” lens (near the bottom of the page) 17 December 2010
Magnifier Head Additional pictures of the magnifier head 17 December 2010
Zeiss lens design Picture of 80mm “zebra” Biometar lens added 17 December 2010
Repairers No Pentacon Six repairs by Arax Foto in Ukraine - but Tom Page in England and Pentacon in Dresden, Germany do still offer full service facilities. 11 December 2010
The Pentacon Tripod A review of Pentacon’s own tripod 19 November 2010
Panoramic photography Improved link from title page, and improved layout 1 November 2010
Square composition Further examples of square composition, plus a comment on the format from Ron Spillman 1 November 2010
Hasselblad/Pentacon Six adapters Is there an adapter to mount Pentacon Six lenses on a Hasselblad / Hasselblad lenses on a Pentacon Six? 28 October 2010
Telemegor 400mm lens Addition of a picture of the Meyer-Optik 400mm f/5.5 Telemegor lens 24 October 2010
Arsenal/Rubinar lens data Manufacturer’s data on lens resolution and number of elements and groups, for Russian/Ukrainian lenses 23 October 2010
Range of Pentacon TTL meter The limits on the range of exposures available with the Pentacon TTL metering prism 15 October 2010
Exakta lenses for the Pentacon Six Answer to the question: Is it possible to use Exakta lenses on my Pentacon Six?  (Listed in the Frequently-Asked Questions section.) 2 October 2010
Item Detail Date uploaded
Kilfitt Pan-Tele Kilar A full review of this exceptional lens with a total of 18 images of it/taken with it 29 September 2010
Red Pentacon Six TL A picture of me using a red Pentacon Six TL in September 2010 27 September 2010
Telemegor lens pictures Two pictures of the 250mm Meyer-Optik Telemegor added 25 September 2010
Improved links to lens cradle Link to the Manfrotto cradle review provided from front page of lens section here and from hereand here. 6 September 2010
Kiev spot/average metering prism Images and comments added for the Kiev spot/average metering prism for the Kiev 88 CM 3 September 2010
Camera and prism weights Minor improvements to these two pages 1 September 2010
Meyer 250mm Telemegor Further information added on the specifications of this lens 25 August 2010
Focussing screens A link to a supplier of screens in the USA 16 August 2010
No lens hood for Mir-3B Further information on this lens 14 August 2010
50mm Flektogon production Correction of reference to 50mm Flektogon production dates (in the section on the 65mm Flektogon!) 14 August 2010
Meyer 250mm Telemegor Information on an additional lens that was available in the Praktisix (subsequently Pentacon Six) mount 13 August 2010
Viewfinder image accuracy Further detail and improved links to sections on viewfinder image coverage vs coverage on film here and here (scroll down for both) 24 July 2010
Teleconverters Information on Hartblei 2× converters added 24 July 2010
A support for long lenses A support cradle for long lenses that do not have their own tripod socket 8 July 2010
Foto-Service Olbrich Website and e-mail address for Foto-Service Olbrich, specialist in repairs and service for lenses from Carl Zeiss Jena, Pentacon/Meyer and others 23 June 2010
Pentacon Dresden New e-mail address for Pentacon in Dresden 23 June 2010
East German lenses Further information on some Meyer-Optik/Pentacon lenses 15 June 2010
Oberkochen or Heidenheim? Why do some sources state that Carl Zeiss moved to Heidenheim, and not Oberkochen? 6 June 2010
Mirror pre-release Pentacon Service contact details added, plus links to Baierfoto’s altermative mirror pre-release system 26 April 2010
Frequently asked questions Improved layout for this page, plus question and link to mirror lock up 26 April 2010
Pentacon Dresden address Pentacon’s slight change of address entered on this page 26 April 2010
Loading and spacing Link from the film loading page to the procedure for checking frame spacing. 26 April 2010
Pentacon & Exakta prisms Improved links between prisms and discussion of area of view 11 April 2010
Image area shown by Pentax prism Pentax prism shows only 90% of image on film. (same page, lower down) 11 April 2010
Bad vibrations with the Pentax 6×7 Vibrations introduced by the shutter itself on the Pentax 6×7 / Pentax 67ii - links to Luminous Landscape review 11 April 2010
65mm Flektogon wide angle lens Information on the design of this lens added 3 April 2010
Hoods & filters for the Flektogons Additional information on lens hoods and filters for the two Carl Zeiss Flektogon wide angle lenses 3 April 2010
Macro lens with P6 bellows Minor additions and corrections to non-metric data in the table at the bottom of the page 22 March 2010
Planar lens diagram Addition of a diagram of the original 5-element Carl Zeiss (West Germany) 80mm Planar lens (at bottom of page) 22 March 2010
Zeiss Biometar style The first style of the 80mm Biometar for the Praktisix (next to the Tessar illustration) 22 March 2010
Xenotar, Planar & Biometar The designs of these 80mm lenses from Schneider-Kreuznach, Zeiss (West Germany) and Carl Zeiss Jena (scroll down to bottom) 9 March 2010
Lens data Improved links to Carl Zeiss lens data, calculation dates, design styles, etc. 20 February 2010
Zeiss lens styles Illustrations added to the page on Zeiss lens design styles. 17 February 2010
Latest price for a Norita 400mm lens Another of these rare lenses has come up on eBay, and gone for a correspondingly high price. 8 February 2010
Zeiss lens calculation dates Addition of chart showing calculation dates of Zeiss lenses for the Praktisix/Pentacon Six, and other related information. 7 February 2010
Operating manual supplier New e-mail address for Old Timer Cameras, who can supply a copy of the Pentacon Six operating manual 4 February 2010
Sony Alpha mount Reference added to adapters to mount Pentacon Six lenses on Sony Alpha cameras 4 February 2010
Metering with the Exakta 66 Additional photographs added to the description 2 February 2010
Dates and serial numbers An upgrade to this page, giving further details of dates and serial numbers for cameras and lenses 1 February 2010
New repair manual link Revised details for Old Timer Cameras, plus a link for an on-line manual 1 February 2010
Metering with the Exakta 66 meter Instructions for using the Exakta 66 metering prism for both open-aperture and stop-down metering 31 January 2010
Pentax 67 lenses on Pentacon Six I have been asked, “Is it possible to use Pentax 6×7 lenses on the Pentacon Six?”  Here is my reply. 31 January 2010
80mm lenses for the Exakta 66 At last we have the proof concerning the design of the “Exakta” 80mm lens for the Exakta 66!  (scroll down to the bottom of the page) 31 January 2010
Zeiss lens styles Variations in the style and design of Zeiss lenses in the Pentacon Six mount 31 January 2010
Tair 300mm lens “TAIR” or “TAYIR”?  What is the correct way to spell the name of this lens in Latin script? 28 September 2009
Kiev Magnifier Head Further information on this accessory 21 September 2009
Super-Rotator Tilt-shift lens test Results of initial tests with the Hartblei Super-Rotator 45mm Tilt-Shift lens 18 September 2009
28mm M – Componon images Images and some comments added on this lens.  See here for Exakta 66 bellows and here for Pentacon Six bellows. 12 September 2009
Close-up filters Picture of close-up filters added (scroll down) 6 September 2009
Pentacon address change Slight change to the address of Pentacon GmbH in Dresden 3 September 2009
Macro A major upgrade to all macro pages, with new information and pictures and better links to make navigation much easier. 23 August 2009
P6 in the digital age Feedback from a user on the Pentacon Six as a top-quality source for digital images 11 July 2009
A new problem with digital cameras I tried out another digital camera, and this is what I discovered!  (see bottom of page) 11 July 2009
Scanners for the Pentacon Six Scanners suitable for use with Pentacon Six film 1 July 2009
Controlling focus Using differential focus and hyperfocal focussing 5 June 2009
A lens bracket Lens brackets for long lenses 30 May 2009
Tripod quick-release plates Additional pictures and text on quick-release plates for tripod heads and the 1000mm lens 29 May 2009
Arsenal lens hoods Information on rubber lens hoods supplied for Arsenal 80mm lenses 2 April 2009
Telear lens hood Improved picture of Arsat/Telear 250mm lens with hood and cap 1 April 2009
Kiev 60 ideal outfit Picture added of a suggested ideal outfit based on the Kiev 60. 31 March 2009
Mir-3B & 38B lenses Pictures and information on these two wide-angle lenses 9 March 2009
80mm lenses for Exakta 66 Detailed illustrations of these lenses.  See here and here. 7 March 2009
Lens hoods Extra and improved images of various lenses and lens hoods, including the 120mm Vega and the 150mm Hartblei, plus minor corrections 6 March 2009
Prisms More information on using the plain Kiev prism on the Pentacon Six 26 February 2009
Macro Improved links between macro sections.  See here, here and here. 12 February 2009
300mm lenses Pictures of the Tair-33, Telemegor, Orestegor and Zeiss 300mm lenses to enable a comparison of size, etc.  See here and here. 5 February 2009
Teleconverters More information on uses of teleconverters (at bottom of page), plus improved links from and to other references to them on the website 7 January 2009
Tripod Improved link from Accessories page to tripod report (link on left goes to the Accessories page) 6 January 2009
Weights of cameras Further information: which is the heaviest and which is the lightest? 2 January 2009
Weights of some prisms Weights of Pentacon Six , Kiev 60, Exakta 66 and Norita 66 prisms (scroll down) 31 December 2008
Weights of some cameras Weights of Pentacon Six TL, Kiev 60 and Norita 66 added (scroll down) 31 December 2008
Lens diagrams Diagrams for two Ukrainian lenses added 20 November 2008
80mm lenses for Exakta 66 Further information on these four lenses 18 November 2008
Lens hoods Addition of information on and a picture of an alternative lens hood for 45mm lenses 16 November 2008
Operating instructions New section: Operating instructions for the Pentacon Six 9 November 2008
Jupiter lens hood Further information on lens hoods supplied with the Jupiter 36b lens 9 November 2008
Dates of manufacture Revised information on manufacturing dates for cameras and lenses, with details of the key lens-dating book. 7 November 2008
Digital vs Pentacon Six An unpdate based on experiences of using a new, up-market, state-of-the-art digital camera 2 November 2008
Buying a Pentacon Six Modifications to recommended sources for Pentacon Six equipment 2 November 2008
Lens hoods or shades A major new section, covering hoods or shades for most lenses in the Pentacon Six system. 1 November 2008
Delayed action An upgrade to this page, including a myth about the delayed action (or self-timer) control on the Pentacon Six – plus information about this feature on Hasselblad lenses 10 October 2008
Lens mounts Charts showing the Russian and Latin symbols used for designating the different lens mounts produced in the former Soviet Union.  Also reproduced here and here. 27 August 2008
Pentacon Six to Norita ring Close-up pictures and detailed description of the design of this adapter ring 26 August 2008
Fish-eye lenses Addition of pictures of the 30mm Distagon lens and lens diagram, plus further information on filters for fish-eye lenses. 23 August 2008
Fish-eye lenses A review of the 30mm fish-eye lenses available in Pentacon Six mount.  This is a totally new section. 21 August 2008
Norita tubes More information on the design and operation of these tubes 20 July 2008
65mm Flektogon Data on this lens added to table on focal lengths of lenses, compared with focal lengths for 35mm cameras 17 July 2008
Exakta 66 outfit New illustration of range of lenses and accessories on offer shortly after the Exakta 66 was launched. 18 June 2008
90mm Makro-Kilar Pictures of this lens and further information on it added 20 May 2008
600mm mirror lens Lack of front filter thread with newer versions of this lens, and how to fit a shade 12 May 2008
Tripod Further pictures & commentary added (tripod case, improvement to the tripod, 3/8" to ¼" adapter) 10 May 2008
1954 Exakta 66 Picture of Sam Sherman with one of these scarce cameras 29 April 2008
FSU lens data Further information on Jupiter-6 f/2.8 180mm lens 29 April 2008
Hasselblad macro problems Problems of infinity focus with the Carl Zeiss Oberkochen S-Planar lens on the Hasselblad bellows. 13 April 2008
2000mm lens test The results obtained when using the 1000mm Carl Zeiss mirror lens with a 2× converter 15 March 2008
Frequently-asked questions Links to answers to new questions (changing lenses, and stop-down metering with the Exakta 66) 22 February 2008
How to change lenses Problems removing the lens from your Pentacon Six, Exakta 66 or Kiev 60?  Read this! 22 February 2008
Plain prisms Pictures of and information on the Arsenal plain prism for the Kiev 88 range of cameras 22 February 2008
German-language website Re-appearance of German-language website reported not working in October 2007 (Link takes you to my Links page, where you will find the website link.)  18 February 2008
Item Detail Date uploaded
1000mm mirror lenses Weight comparison with Carl Zeiss Oberkochen 1000mm lens for the Hasselblad and other cameras 15 February 2008
Russian & Ukrainian lenses Further details on Mir-3B 65mm lens, Tair-33 filter size, information on depth of field preview levers, minor changes to some paragraphs and improved links to related tests. 15 February 2008
Moon shots An initial report on taking pictures of the moon 12 February 2008
Tripod A detailed report on a tripod and a ball head for use with the 1000mm mirror lens and other long lenses 12 February 2008
New 1000mm-1200mm report New links to tripod report, plus minor corrections. 12 February 2008
1000mm test report Using this lens with a 2× converter – link to a report.  Plus formatting improvements to the page. 12 February 2008
600mm lens test Full details of the Hasselblad Professional lens shade added 12 February 2008
Lenses for the Norita Is it possible to mount Norita 66 lenses on the Pentacon Six and vice versa? 6 February 2008
Norita New pictures and information 4 February 2008
Baierfoto adapter on Praktisix Not advised for Praktisix or Praktisix II, but fine on the Praktisix IIA.  See details on the page. 3 February 2008
Pentacon Six prisms on Praktisix Using the Pentacon Six metering prism on the Praktisix, Praktisix II or Praktisix IIA 3 February 2008
Loading instructions More detailed description, and new illustrations 3 February 2008
Russian & Ukrainian lens data Further information on the Mir-38 lens 22 January 2008
Russian & Ukrainian lens data Report of a Mir-38 65mm lens with a depth of field lever; link added to 500mm Arsat APO lens review. 18 January 2008
Repairer in New Jersey New contact details for Trescam repairers in New Jersey. 1 January 2008
In 500-600mm tests The exact dimensions of the “6×6” frame, according to Hasselblad (additional information on existing page – scroll down) 30 December 2007
Myths Myths and misleading comments about the Pentacon Six 13 December 2007
500-600mm tests Revision, including some new test images and new selections for colour fringeing (see linked page & following page) 25 November 2007
1000-1200mm tests A major new series of tests of lenses and converters that give these extreme focal lengths 13 November 2007
Prisms Neither Exakta 66 prism will fit the Pentacon Six.  Link to metering instructions added.  Link to Kiev Camera corrected 13 November 2007
Waist-Level Finders The Exakta 66 WLF will fit on the Pentacon Six. 13 November 2007
Metering How to hold the camera to meter: new picture and explanation 3 November 2007
Links Changed link to SRB, plus revised references to their location on other pages where they are mentioned. 12 October 2007
Mirror pre-release It is not possible to modify Praktisix cameras to have mirror pre-release or MLU 13 September 2007
Pre-set lens aperture How to select the aperture on a pre-set Pentacon or Meyer-Optik 300mm or 500mm lens 30 August 2007
Tripod bush adapters How to get your ¼ inch tripod screw to engage with the 3/8" socket on some cameras and lenses (scroll down) 29 August 2007
Serial number location Location of Serial Numbers for Praktisix cameras added 28 August 2007
Novoflex bellows A totally new section on the Novoflex bellows unit and slide copier 27 August 2007
Arsenal plain prism Pictures of the Arsenal non-metering prism for the Kiev 6C/Kiev 60 26 August 2007
Advantages of shift lenses Examples of ways to use shift lenses to solve problems 9 August 2007
Hartblei 45mm lenses Illustrations of Hartblei 45mm shift and shift/tilt lenses added to the Shift and Tilt data sheet 9 August 2007
Data on shift & shift/tilt lenses New data sheet, plus related changes to linked pages 6 August 2007
85mm Primotar This lens, which was not available in Praktisix mount, is removed from the table, and replaced by a note 6 August 2007
Tessar Further information in this lens that was available for the Praktisix 5 August 2007
Tele-Ennalyt Further information in this lens that was available for the Praktisix 5 August 2007
Telemegors & Orestegors Corrections to details of the information concerning these lenses from Meyer-Optik Görlitz for the Praktisix and Pentacon Six 5 August 2007
Mir 3B wide-angle lens Details of an additional “Soviet” lens 4 August 2007
Another repairer in Germany A user recommendation of a repairer in Berlin.  For details see link. 4 August 2007
Another NYC repairer A user recommendation of another repairer in New York City.  For details see link. 26 June 2007
German manuals A new link for these 24 June 2007
Loading film Further slight clarification of the best procedure 24 June 2007
Repairer in U K New address for Tom Page 4 June 2007
Repairer in N Y New telephone number for Eddy Smolov 15 May 2007
500-600mm tests New tests featuring additional lenses with these focal lengths 11 May 2007
Prisms Picture of a rare Praktisix prism with the KW logo in the leather covering – thanks to Heinz Schrauf, Solingen 24 April 2007
Lens data Details of Tair-33 lens added to Russian & Ukrainian lens data page 18 April 2007
Prisms Additional illustration: KW logo on underside of prism 6 April 2007
500mm APO lens Technical specifications of this rare lens.  Pictures of it and a full review are planned! 9 March 2007
Prisms An upgrade to this page, with pictures of the newer-style Pentacon Six plain prism 9 March 2007
Equipment suppliers With Kiev Camera temporarily not on the web, I suggest alternative suppliers.  See also here. 9 March 2007
Focussing screens Better links for information on the focussing screens and other minor improvements.  See also here and here. 12 February 2007
Hyperfocal focussing How to overcome problems using the depth-of-field preview lever on Flektogon lenses on the Hartblei 1006c or Kiev 88CM 10 February 2007
Compatibility problems Lens “flange” or “register” distances and problems with some Carl Zeiss lenses on the Kiev 88CM or Hartblei 1006c (Scroll to bottom) 10 February 2007
Flash grip adapter An alternative design for an adapter plate to hold a flash bracket on the Pentacon Six 6 February 2007
Mr Pentacon Six An interview with “Mr Pentacon Six” 6 February 2007
Digital capture The “Focal Length Multiplier” effect when using a digital camera or back 6 February 2007
Spacing test Illustration added 31 January 2007
Telemegor lenses Image added 31 January 2007
Astro-Tachar lens Image of f/1.8 150mm lens added 31 January 2007
Hartblei 1006c Image added of camera with Variogon lens fitted.  Updated information on base plate 31 January 2007
Lensdata Minor corrections and improvements to lens data pages – click on the link here and work through them.  The date at the bottom of the page will tell you if there have been changes. 27 January 2007
Norita Details of multi-coated Noritar lenses 27 January 2007
Repairers Tom Page has moved! 24 January 2007
Kaleinar lens hood There is a lens hood (“shade”) for the 150mm Kaleinar lens 13 January 2007
Links Goodbye to Global Cameras.  Tom Page’s new telephone number. 13 January 2007
Repairers U K repairer Tom Page is moving!  New contact details are here.  I have also added details of a repairer in Canada. 13 January 2007
1000mm Why isn’t the lens barrel black? 9 January 2007
Macro 2 & Macro 3 Minor corrections and additions 9 January 2007
Various Minor corrections and removal of Görlitz meeting details – more upgrades currently being planned! 27 November 2006
Macro lenses Detailed tests of three of the Schneider macro lenses for the Exakta 66 (and Pentacon Six!) 22 July 2006
Lenses for the Exakta 66 Who manufactured the Biometar lens in Exakta 66 mount? 14 July 2006
Meeting Treffen Information on the first meeting in Germany for Pentacon Six collectors and users (click on appropriate link for English or German information). 28 June 2006
Norita More information on the 400mm lens and additional accessories, plus minor changes 4 June 2006
Shift & tilt lenses Mount incompatibilities with shift & tilt lenses, and movement restrictions when used with an Exakta 66 with metering prism 1 May 2006
Flocking Pictures and commentary showing flocked and unflocked cameras 30 April 2006
Mir-69B wide angle Review of this rare 45mm lens (scroll down) 29 April 2006
Shift and Tilt lenses Illustrated results of tests with shift lenses 16 April 2006
Pentacon 6 lenses on Pentax 6×7 More information on lenses that have been adapted, plus a link to someone who is doing this! 24 March 2006
Waist-level finders New link to illustrations, and minor corrections 19 March 2006
Other Accessories More information on using the Kiev 60 prism on the Pentacon Six and Exakta 66 19 March 2006
Wide Angle lenses Report on the repair to the Mir 38B 65mm lens with the faulty aperture (scroll to near the bottom of the page) 16 March 2006
Repairers Further information on the services offered by Foto-Service Olbrich and Roskam Optics 16 March 2006
Panoramic Pictures Taking panoramic pictures with the Pentacon Six 9 March 2006
Repairers Foto-Service Olbrich telephone number: international dialling code added 3 March 2006
Repairers Telephone number for Ross Yerkes added 15 February 2006
Macro A major new section with all the technical details on lens extensions, exposure compensation, etc. 12 January 2006
Other Accessories Opening catch, location of serial number on body 11 January 2006
Prisms Illustrations and explanations added for Exakta 66 prism contacts and stop-down metering 31 December 2005
Shift and tilt lenses Further illustrations of the Super-Rotator lens on the Pentacon Six 31 December 2005
Metering Improved illustrations and explanations added 30 December 2005
Unloading film Illustrations added 30 December 2005
Film type and speed dials Illustrations added, further detail given 30 December 2005
Rollei focussing screen Illustration added 30 December 2005
Frequently-asked questions Minor corrections 30 December 2005
Date of manufacture Minor corrections 30 December 2005
Flocking New section 21 December 2005
Repairers Further details of lens repair services 15 December 2005
Norita Additional information 8 December 2005
Everything! Whole website revised! 14 November 2005


© TRA November 2005 Latest upgrade: July 2024